Cosi by Louis Nowra | Lisa's Study Guides Lewis development is symbolised through the changing imagery throughout the play, specifically fire and water. Returning to work after maternity leave. Now quite sure how to nail your text response essays?Then download our free mini-guide, where we break down the art of writing the perfect text-response essay into three comprehensive steps.Click below to get your own copy today! The LSG's THINK and EXECUTE technique follows three steps in the THINK phase - Analyse, Brainstorm, and Create a Plan. Monologue spoken by Mercutio in Act 2, Scene 4: More than prince of cats, I can tell you. Topic Sentence 2: Moreover, throughout Cos we see Lewis develop a greater understanding of the complexity of madness due to his partnership with the patients., Examples: Lewis changing perspective of the patients, Lewis involvement with the patients beyond his role as director, fire and water imagery. In hindsight, I know that without them, I wouldnt have overcome my mid-exam crisis and done as well as I did. The repetition of delete, delete, delete gives us the sense that shes frustratingly attempting to delete her self-acknowledged, perhaps over-the-top anxiety surrounding Daniel, or trying to delete herself out of her situation. The prompt is phrased as an instruction (Compare) which invites you to analyse both texts together, but you totally knew that already! These poems such as Immigrants at Central Station, Migrant Hostel and The Polish Immigrant offer an insight into the emotionally turbulent and difficult journey migrants go through to live in Australia. Side note: The 'Writing in Context' component fromthe old syllabus has been semi-integrated into 'Reading and Creating'. This meant that for the first hour or so of my exam, I was quietly confident that I would be more than fine. CONVERGENT ideas lead to similar conclusions and messages, while DIVERGENT ideas take us to different conclusions. Afterwards Lewis confronts Nick and punches him. cosi julie monologue jimin rainbow hair butter; mcclure v evicore settlement This is either because they fail to accept their own reality (Roy) or they fail to accept the errors in their thinking (Lucy, Nick), Nowra also uses Lewis as the benchmark against which the development of other characters is measured. He fights as you sing prick-song, keeps time, distance, and proportion; rests me his minim rest, one, two, and the third in your bosom: the very butcher of a silk life as he finds it," is the last line of Cosi Fan Tutte. On the other hand, family and the wider community are depicted as a galvanising or healing force in both texts. The play ends with a monologue from Lewis that InThe 7 Stages of Grieving, the main struggle is to be heard and understood. SAC:A sustained oral piece (~4-6 minutes) that presents a point of view relating to an issue currently in the media + a written explanation (~300-500 words) explainingyour decisions made in the planning process, and how these demonstrate your efforts in attempting to persuade the audience. Get in your seats. Whatever boat you may be in, by the end of your study of Peter Skrzyneckis New/Old World poems, youre bound to have a new appreciation for the art that is poetry and find analysing poems less of a daunting prospect and more a something easy to nail. cosi julie monologue - Kazuyasu Discuss. Even her sense of smell betrays her being away from Daniel. To explore the theme of identity its best to break it down into several influential factors, which are listed below: The surroundings in which a person finds themselves, as well as the place they call home is an essential part of identity, as it showcases what place one identifies with and feels safe in. This gave them a destination, as well as hope.. You might look like this: an array of bewilderedness, surprise, and perhaps evenexcitement? Over the course of a midsummer night in Fermanagh in 1890, an unsettled daughter of the Anglo-Irish aristocracy encourages her father's valet to seduce her. Cosi - Whysanity This foreshadows her return to her pre-baby life - that things will not be the same. Its jam-packed with awesome, FREE advice for how to ACE Text Response. Juliet's Monologues From Shakespeare's Tragedy - ThoughtCo This close shot of a destroyed, seemingly irreparable camera, literally reflects the cyclic nature of broken dreams characteristic of Greenwich Village, and also signifies that Jeff too has been hurt (literally) by radical pursuits in his progression. In this poem migrants are compared to a homing pigeon/circling to get its bearings as Peter remarks on the struggle of taking someone out of their previous home, like an animal out of its natural habitat. Blick followed Marion and Geoff with this scandalously overlooked series of 10-minute monologues for BBC Two in which Joanna Lumley headlined as ageing divorcee Madison Blakelock. We see this as Peter demonstrates his struggle at times to identify with his Polish roots, symbolised in his loss of Polish language as he forgot [his] first Polish word. If you found this close analysis helpful, then you might want to check out our Like a House on Fire Study Guide where we analyse EVERY story in the text and pinpoint key quotes and symbols! As with all our essay topic breakdowns, we'll follow LSG's THINK and EXECUTE technique, as taught in our How To Write A Killer Text Response. Whereas Lewis claims, without love, the world wouldnt mean that much. As his life is touched by these extraordinary people and his operatic production (Cosi Fan Tutte) lurches forward, we learn, along with Lewis, that when chasing your dreams it helps to be a little crazy. Linking Sentence: Ultimately, through highlighting the development of Lewis views towards insanity, Nowra positions his audience to reflect on the complexity of madness and thus warns of the danger of stereotypes. Give these essay topics a go. Overall, Nick lives up to his label of being an egotistical pig who likes the sound of his own voice. Hitchcocks use of film techniques offers an unnerving viewing experience. Its obvious that preparing your mind by studying and practising is the biggest essential before your English exam. Showtime "The monologue when she tells Monica why she can't. The crowded Greenwich Village apartment complex of the film acts as an effective narrative device, as Hitchcock employs the physical proximity of the apartments to reinforce the overwhelming sense of voyeurism and paranoia amongst neighbours. Skrzynecki litters his poems with heirlooms such as watches, hammers and photos, often to illustrate how despite having these possessions Peter frequently finds that he doesnt know the full story of his heritage and his parents life. How do The 7 Stages of Grieving and The Longest Memory present the emotional pain of racism?. The suburban setting ofRear Window reinforces the sense of confinement and suspicion rampant during the 1950s. If youre tired in your exam, you are more than likely to lose your train of thought and end up stressed. Area of study 2 - (Part II) Presenting argument. This means avoiding topics where majority of the public opinion already rests on one side (e.g. When youre presented with a theme-based prompt, you can automatically shift your brainstorming and planning towards the themes mentioned in the prompt along with any others that you can link to the core theme in some way. This sarcastic internal monologue reflects Lizs current state of mind, where shes experiencing a disconnect from her coworkers, and the land of the living. The juxtaposition of the pamphlets words being a stay-at-home mum can begin to seem mundane and repetitive is contrasted with Lizs love of motherhood - she is at odds with what society tells her she should be feeling. InAnimal Farm, Napoleon is sly about hisintentions and slowly secures his power with clever manipulation and propaganda. We also see this regret of disconnect when Skrzynecki writes about his mother and the photograph he has of her and the man that was his father, and how he wishes he had asked about it more. DOGMA MONSTER NUTS PASSION FISH RACHEL GETTING MARRIED STRANGER THAN FICTION THE DARKSIDE WAITING FOR GUFFMAN WHEN A MAN LOVES A WOMAN FEMALE CONTEMPORARY STAGE MONOLOGUES ANGELS IN AMERICA ASSASSINS Much like Lewis protective delusion, Roy uses illusions of a happy childhood to shield him from facing his reality. Luckily, I was wrong about those essays. So many students put much more pressure on themselves than they can actually handle, and I was one of them. Whichever is unclear and left up to interpretation. Eat well! Although we see the theatre being touched up with new lights and a coat of paint, it still remains derelict and run-down. Therefore, Nowra warns against dismissing individuals who are mentally ill, instead highlighting their capacity to garner change and therefore be productive and valuable members of society. COSI explores a life lesson for Lewis, a young director who takes on the task of producing a play with the patients who live there. Additionally, Nowra blurs the lines between insanity and sanity by portraying Lewis as a bridge between the real world and that of the asylum. This gives us, as students, a wonderful opportunity to look deeper into the text and identify Skrzyneckis differing positions in regard to identity, family and belonging, through the perspective from which he writes his poems at different stages of his life. Including Cos Fan Tutte in Cos also serves to highlight the difference in popular opinion between Mozarts era and the 1970s, while emphasising the continuity of love. Also, Cos is full of symbols and imagery, which can help you score highly on your essays if you integrate them into your work. We also see how a difference in sense of belonging can affect relationships, in that we see Peter and his father dont have the closest of relationships, likely due to Peter feeling he belongs to Australia whilst Feliks still had strong connections to his Polish upbringing. Examples: Lewis changing ideas on love and fidelity, Lewis changing levels of subservience to Lucy and Nick. Cosi (1996) clip 1 on ASO - australianscreen Police and the media are racially biased, and Aboriginal people arent given a platform to tell their stories. Thus, before analysing Alfred Hitchcocks 1954 thriller Rear Window, it is important to consider its cultural, political and social context: As the blinds roll up to reveal the apartment complex, a medium shot of the wide-open windows of each apartment immediately convey to the audience an environment of an uncomfortable openness. Watch my video on quick presentation tips which helped me score full marks in my SAC! This cyclical nature of hope and defeat can be observed in the film, as the audience can perceive the frustrated songwriter destroying his latest work, and Miss Lonely hearts desperately seeking true love in the seedy bars and gloomy alleyways of the bohemian heaven. The protagonist of Cos, Lewis is a new university graduate who has agreed to direct a play cast with patients from a mental institution because he needs money. Also, you can explore how the actions of characters dont occur in isolation theyre almost always interrelated. He feels extremely guilty and only after Chapel dies does he realise why Chapel disagreed with him so stubbornly in life. Shes fighting a terrible nausea, feeling the sweat in the small of her back.. Contention: agree to a degree - caged in & intelligent BUT not symbolic of women in general, Body para 1: how she is caged in - marriage & infidelity, exiled by men, not given choice, Body para 2: intelligence - outsmarted Creon & Aegeus (manipulation) - intellectual superiority over Jason, Body para 3: not symbolic of women - demigod &sorceress - filicide - deus ex machina, Research the places referenced in Skrzynecki poems such as Mt Warning, Dont just analyse the poems individually, try and see the big picture and apply the overarching themes. Example #2 "And for that matter, I have no secrets." - Julie from "Miss Julie." Miss Julie's woeful tale dates back to the year 1888, which was written by playwright. Despite varying in size and setting, they all share a single point of similarity; they all focus on sights of destruction, such as the race car crash or the remains of a volcanic eruption. Now, I know a lot of us are still grappling to understand the changes, and who knows? Whats really interesting here is her description of the other children. Type: Dramatic Character: Ruth, a wealthy woman who yearns for a time when she was closer to family. He promises to help Lewis direct Cos Fan Tutte, however he quickly breaks this vow in order to spend time furthering his political career with Lucy. (Frankenstein). However, this means that its even more important to get a great understanding of each character theyre all there for a reason!. Dramatic Monologue | Definition, Explanation, Features, Uses, Examples This is due to language barriers ability to foster or inhibit connection. Also try and focus on different areas/types of development (i.e. In this instance, their desire for each other and the chaos that ensues is liberating for Lewis, as it enables him to come to terms with what he truly values. Roy (Barry Otto), his most enthusiastic recruit, takes over and demands that they perform Mozart's opera, Cos Fan Tutte, rather than a variety review. It is suggested that although they may not have been completely normal, those considered to be insane still possess great insight that normal people may overlook. Ultimately, Cos is a play that criticises traditional structures and views of society whether they be asylums, university education or harsh stigma. Although, its important not to take Lewis development at face value. What you should aim to do:If your school hasn't made the decision for you already, it's crucial that you choose a topic that is original and offers you room for argument. 1-2 Min. This means that setting, structure and stage directions are all crucial, and make for a high-scoring essay. How To Write A Killer Comparative study guide, Compare the Pair- A guide to structuring a reading and comparing essay, The link between your contention and topic sentences in relation to the prompt, A Guide to Structuring a Reading and Comparing Essay. The VCAA provides the only official, up to date versions of VCAA publications and information about courses including the VCE. Don't worry, we're all in the same boat. Writing a fantastic oral presentation is only the job half done, you need to ensure your delivery is spot on. There isnt necessarily a right answer either way, but this definitely isnt a tension that we see in the play. Instead we find he creates a sense of belonging by cultivating a home of his own, a garden. Check out our comparative scene analysis where we explore this theme in more depth. Are they the opposite? As such, Jeffs insubstantial speculation about Thorwald murdering his bedridden wife is disturbingly reflective of the social strife in 1950s America, as thousands accused their neighbours for treason or subversion without concrete evidence. August Strindberg has been adapted into modern works such as the National Theatre's production of 'Julie.' "And for that matter, I have no secrets. 2. Written by Gina Wendkos. Are You Being Bullied by Narcissistic Monologuing? The simile like a bird pecking automates Lizs actions in the workplace, as though she is doing it by switching to a mechanical form of herself. In the play, family is consistently shown to provide support and community. Good Essays. All of the action takes place inside a burnt-out, derelict theatre. Lewis later discovers that Lucy and Nick are having an affair. Despite acting as the main location of progressive culture, such as the beginning of the international gay rights movement, Greenwich Village was also the setting for the broken dreams of its eclectic residents. 3. cosi julie monologue. Topic Sentence 3: Furthermore, as an outsider, Lewis assists the patients in their development, acting as their connection to the real world and ultimately providing a space for them to grow and flourish., Examples: Juxtaposition of light and dark, Ruths development., Linking Sentence: Ultimately, Nowra explores the learning and growth of characters in Cos to not only highlight the necessity of a humanistic approach to treating mental illness, but also to illustrate the nature of mental health as a continuum, on which no one person needs to be stationary forever.. Languages ability to also expose the differences between people and make them feel like outsiders is also explored in First day of school and The Polish Immigrant as people such as teachers struggle with the pronunciation of Polish names and inevitably have to ask boy, how do you pronounce that?. Halfway through my exam, I completely lost my train of thought. Secondly, interpret the themes and issues addressed in the quote and implement these into your discussion. Watching the clock, think about nothing for a couple of seconds. Finally, Cos explores how Lewis deals with a hardship that he essentially created for himself he signed up to direct the play. In a scenario where physical violence was used the way it was in order to oppress, self-emancipation was seen by many as the only path out. Youre better off getting rest so that you can think clearly, work with the knowledge you have, and perform your best in the exam. Its also worth bearing in mind the history of abolition, which happened in Northern states first. Of this day's journey, and from nine till twelve. Punching the key like a bird pecking. Id probably start by brainstorming what exactly needs to be changed. Should we have more stringent surrogacy laws? Lewiss views change from being discriminatory and stereotypical to more compassionate, and well founded. Caroline, Julie and Stella had laughed dutifully enough, but their faces had shown a kind of pained disappointment, something faintly aggrieved..