Death is forever and you are needed in this world. I started writing this journal online because writing about losing you all has helped to heal my broken heart when nothing else did. She once called herself an alien waiting for a ride home., Around 97, Layne had moved to the U Dist. Theres a youtuber named Kristina who has a channel called FullyRawKristina who makes videos about raw veganism, even though a lot of her videos are receipe videos which may be high in fat and should not be eaten too often of they have a lot of fat, but her videos are a place to start. Addicts not necessarily. Then she moved in with Layne because she had nowhere else to go. Doesnt mean I want them in my life. I am sure that he was pressured to go on tour and not feeling well decided that instead of letting the fans down and letting them see him in that state he felt he had a better chance stating away from that pressure. Such a sad story. So heartbreaking for everyone. She didnt met her biological father and half sister until she was an adult. To be honest.. Ive never read Demris obituary but wed have to ask the person who wrote it why Rosheen was not mentioned.. maybe they did not want to confuse people? Its been a doubt to me, because Ive also read in a lot of interviews from 97, 98, that Mark was already living in La because of rehab and stuff like that but sometimes would come to Seattle, although he moved to LA in 98but yeah, it might be possiblethanx again! My daughter was actually a big reason why I fell into darkness because her mom was making my life miserable and it made me feel absolutely worthless and then I would get high bc then I wouldnt think about it. I would stay with Layne and Demri sometimes, and I had laid on their floor kicking for a couple of days. Just thinking about it. Demri Parrott was born on 22 February 1969 in Bremerton, Washington, USA. Layne Staley - Wikipedia Finally, best of luck if you write a book Muself, I would love to produce a film documenting all of this. My husband purchased it as a christmas gift for me. Sadly, Alice In Chains frontman Layne Staley passed away on April 5, 2002, at 34 years of age. However, in the years that followed Dirt"s success, Layne and Demri drifted apart, and their engagement broke sometime in 1994, although she features in the cover of Mad Seasons Above. I do not know how much truth there is in the message must have the attributes and say their name. I cant get it to paste & post, but at least the other two are still here However so. When she was herself she was a very sensitive and fun girl. Not anymore thou. Now for the more positive things: Demri Parrott (which I recently found out was pronounced Puh-Row) was described by everyone who knew her as a bubbly, charismatic and beautiful girl. Know that you are loved, and that we all care about you. Do not let it get YOU! It will take a different catalyst for every addict to finally take that leap off the cliff and get helpsome will need to be love bombed, some will need tough love jail is not the answer but ALL will need the help of people who understand them and wont judge them and a very strong and loving support system, also time away from their old friends, sometimes family and the places theyve used in is crucial and they all need to want it at least enough to try it one day and then hopefully one more day and they will need to learn new tools to cope with their new reality and how to live their new life clean without the old faithful emotional and physical buffer of opiates. She was apparently very chatty, witty and loud. Much love to you. She said something to me, I said something back, and that was it. He told me that he I know this is an old post but why did you put Demris name in quotes? If you go onto Facebook you will find a number of groups dedicated to the memory of Layne. Layne and Demri | Grunge Graveyard Boredom plays a role and if your a recovering addict you have to keep yourself busy. Seeing posts pertaining to Andrew Wood, Xana and Mike was very pleasant too. Aic. Another thing that saddens me is that she had to live in a nursing home with elderly people when she was only in her mid-20s. I pray that you have lots and lots of time left with no pain. What a true tragedy heroin addiction is. This site has been around. Hot! She was an amazing person from what I can get, and im sorry for the bad word but f*ck the haters.all jealous people that dont know how to appreciate someone so full of life Demri was! Thats an actress and that picture is a screen cap from the video Sea of Sorrow. She died last March. I pray every day that he does not experiment with H, because I know that he will not come back from that. At the time of her death she had already had a pacemaker implanted due to the damage caused by using dirty needles to inject heroine. I relapsed and used from april to june of 18. She had dark brown eyes and dark brown hair (color). Shes a vegan and follows raw till four which is like raw veganism but includes a cooked vegan meal at dinner time. I think about 95% of it had to do with shame over what he had become. She was vacant, self-serving and morally bankrupt. Ive been thinking a lot lately about Andrew, Demri, Layne etc, because Im currently waiting for a bed to open up at a detox facility to hopefully help me kick this awful ten-year addiction to painkillers. Just because we cant see something/someone, doesnt mean theyre not there. Much love and respect to everyone that Layne touched. Her death is considered to have pushed Layne over the final edge, as he then became a recluse in his own condominium. Aalsteinn, Hi Xana! What The Final 12 Months Of Layne Staley's Life Was Like - It is a familiar tale but one that just cant penetrate the young minds. I will pray for you I know it has to be really tough. I do not believe and I do not disbelieve. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Because that is not my story it is theirs.. even if I was a part of their story and they a part of mine. We need to find a way to unite and help our sons, daughters, friends, lovers, entertainers. but I wanted to make a note on the message posted by D but written by koa know that runs online for about 8 years I know for sure because we put the message in alternativegrunge forum in Italy .. If somebody else would have commented it would have showed in my email and somebody didon the 30th thats why I was here. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. She also refused to take Laynes money, and had to make her own money herself. Doesnt matter though that she was not mentioned in her obituary because I know that Rosheen knew how important she was to Demri and Rosheen was at her funeralso that probably hurt her. After her passing, Layne looked after him. She didnt want to be known asLayne Staleys girlfriend, but she started to be known this way. I get so busy I dont even recognize the date sometimes. Prayers. xx. Dealers came to them. Not heroin, but pills and marijuana. I have read that Demris mom is an Addiction Counselor. Have a look see and enjoy! So much more, I wish that email had been saved, but with an updated computer & such, Ive lost it. I know that he was at Jerrys 98 Halloween concert, and had thought about making an appearance there. I will speak for us all in saying we hope you read this and change your minds. Yes, families fight, a lot, but in death should not peace be made between everyone? Id last about 3 days. And to your Family. I know he was taking care of Layne and buying groceries and making sure he was eating and cared for. i hope all the people who shared their stories here are doing well and i pray for those who have lost their battles and for their families as well. Him and his girlfriend Demri both lived with me at the time. But not in a slutty way. Soon I heard he had passed on. I actually edited my response so I hope you got to read the whole comment I made. Its been lonely here without him. Hopefully be a soulful powerhouse like him. I know many Alice In Chains fans dislike her because she got Layne into heroin. Self: 1991 MTV Video Music Awards. Theyre both special persons in their own right, and both should be acknowledged as such. When did you lose hope, though? :)), Thanks for this site and sharing so much about your friends. I wish things could have turned out differently for her. Bottom line they both had to want it and they were convinced that only people who mixed alcohol and heroin (as in getting so drunk you forget what and how much you used) is the only thing that could kill you. I was and still am a huge fan of Laynes and AIC, and admired the beautiful Demri. I have seen people/myself go from great people to completely changed. (At the time, Layne didnt know what happened with MS. Id heard it from one of the people I knew who also lived there. Marilyn Monroe. Its even worse when you have a lot of responsibilities to take care of because you find yourself stuck to where you have to keep using to try and keep up with those responsibilities and it works at first but it tricks you and then you loose everything if you dont loose your life. I did not see anything from anyone on Thursday Oct 29 2015 about demri I guess everyone forgot. Most of her friends describe her as a very sweet and beautiful person, kind, peaceful and artistic. She almost died from doing a speedball. Thank you for sharing, although I dont know if you revealed way too many private details. May your familys hearts be at ease and protected. People dont seem to understand how much Demri suffered the last 2-1/2 years of her life spent mostly in hospital several times on life support given hours to live or that she didnt complain and was always more concerned about others than herself. Typos. Why? Thank u to everyone who takes the time to read this ! Anyhow, over and out-just wanted that cleared up. You have done so much, been through so much, God bless you. Beautiful memorial and thank you truly means a lot to those of us who hold them dear to our hearts. I was there through the 4 year battle and was in the hospital room when my mom had to make the painful dedication to end life support. How you doing Jacqueline? I think the Laynes Place being referred to was the Ward Street house they both lived in with both of their stuff. at this time of year. He was a coke dealer. Its people like demri and Layne who would really make you think life was worth living. Her zodiac star sign was Pisces. Yes, Laura very, very true you basically nailed it. I know it can be a struggle to help drug addicts. Xana. It speaks volumes about this site that a guy sitting in his living room in Iceland in 2017, can read through it and feel as if he were a fly on the wall in all these parties and gatherings. I started writing about her online about 12 years ago now and some of the pictures I posted can still be seen floating around online like the one of them kissing taped to my wall or the black and white ones of her in the coat and hat.. all print outs I received from Darin from her memorial. some photos just got released of Demri a month before she died. Many people looked after her, while Layne was on tour. From everything you say about Demri and what a force of personality she was, this drug seems to have had an unbreakable hold on her. I believe Layne when he said before his passing that Demri visited him. Im trying to post a comment and a link to a video, but all that appears when I try to publish it in this site is: your comment is awaitting moderation!! They have many members,some who knew Layne personally,and they are always being updated with member participation. Layne with fans New Years Eve 1999, reportedly last public photo in But I guess no matter how sick she was during her last year- she was still beautiful for sure, on the outside and on the inside. But all the while enjoying experiences that you must cherish greatly, I imagine. Im her age, a Seattle native and recently lost my sister to heroin. I think of her all the time, and how our similarities made me feel so much better about myself as a teenager. "he would never talk badly about her and apparently it was the same with her. I try to not let bad things that happen to me in life to drive me to get high. Red carpet photos. A few pictures..of Demri Parrott during her short life.. she made an impact that is for sure. Demri Lara Parrott Murphy (February 22nd 1969 - October 29th 1996) was an American model, artist, and muse, and an amateur actress, . Also what things happen on the drugs in question that makes dating not realistic. I was here many years ago and it has really come a long way. Im all up for experimenting with certain things with responsability but heroine, cocaine, meth and those kind of drugs are out of the question. She met Layne when she was eighteen or nineteen, and its reported that it was love at first sight. Bless you. I cant get over how freaking gorgeous Demri truly is. Why didnt she stay home with her Mom when Layne wasnt around? I have the second version and it was at the bookstore and we got it for like $20 or so. According to Tom he drove out to Fred Meyer past Wedgewood where Demri spent half the summer (before moving into Juliets) and he went shopping. Blessings to each of you! Anniversary of Dem's passing & a note from her Mom I also want to be straight up about why Demri, Layne, Rosheen and Mike are gone now theyre stories should never be romanticized. Miss Layne so much. There was one time I found a spoon, and it was obvious what it had been used for. 2 of Kathleens patients told her about this weird thing that happened (he had done the same thing). Such a beautiful woman with so much life and soul in her. Think about it like this who could write a book about you? This website is simply amazing, a treasure trove of information for those wanting to go under the surface. Kathleens comment was left on one of my older posts.. so I just wanted to share it so that everyone would get a chance to readitbecause I know a lot of us love and respect Kathleena lot. I am very sorry about your lossI hate cancer and congrats on doing good, keep strong. Most of her friends described her as a very sweet and beautiful person, kind, peaceful and artistic. She was adopted by her stepfather Stephen John Parrott. That time he was upset because he felt everyone in the band should be at Rehab and it really pissed him off to be singled out esp. People just want to feel happiness again. I hate to stop before I am finished with something and will work 72 hours straight to get something finished no matter what even being my own boss. DAVID DUET At our next rehearsal, Demri and Layne walked in together, and within a month I was doing guest appearances with Alice in Chains, singin Bowie songs and stuff. I also was a hard core heroin addict and my family and life suffered from it and I honestly did not have the willpower to save my self. Please answer, so that I may know that youre ok. All my love, Laura. She was the "it" girl in Seattle in the early 90s and anyone who knew her and the club scene at the time I doubt would argue with me on that.". By then, Demri had also become addicted to heroin. I wish she could of figured it out before it was too late but the truth is.. very few do but the ones who can are super humans and should be extremely proud and share their stories of hope with the ones who havent gotten there yet. Not Demri, sorry. People are complex and I never knew her but it seems this tribute site exists because she earned it. Ive read several places where it said he had braces on his legs to help him walk, but I think that is not true. Please take care if you. They were engaged in 1992 but later separated in 1994. It tries to steal your life and the sparkle or energy that flows within us all. . When cleaning I didnt know what belonged to who, which is risky). I too adore the photo of Demri on the couch, didnt she have the prettiest, most elegant little hands?! Layne was okay until the last night of the tour. Stop this. Layne Staley's Haunting Wedding That Never Was Will Break Your Heart Today the sitereceived a comment from Demris Mom Kathleen which is so special because she thought of us and wanted to let us know how she felt today and I personally wanted everyone who watches this site.. friends, fans and people who loved her a chance to hear from her Demris Mom today. It is such a sad situation. I know she had siblings and her name changed from Murphy to Parrott at some stage (as per yearbook photo). I got it all and you speak 100% the truth. Demri Parrott was an American model. She had her own connections for buying heroin and she could afford that, but it was LAYNES fault that she got sick b/c he hadnt bought her cotton before he left. I have noticed that Layne is very tall, upright in his earlier career. God. Rosheen and Demri RIP Rosheen Raugi June 19th 1997, Demri Parrott and Layne Staley Love Hate Love, More pictures of Demri can be found on my Flickr account at:RememberingDemri. WTF are you talking about? I know it sounds crazy but Im begging you to check it out. Demri had family, many friends, and Layne, but she kept on running to the end. Demri was born in Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington, in the United States of Americas Pacific Northwest. Remember life is short and so your loved ones today because we might not have a tomorrow. Just how much sense does that make? I try to study the different religions, lead a good life, treat others like I want to be treated and reach out to others who need it. Barbara you are right on that they suffered from a fatal disease- and also right that drugs arent worth dabbling in. OK, Ill stop now; I just wanted to write that to someone who understands, so thank you if you read this rambling mess. Demri was well known and had numerous friends that she touched with her charismatic and enchanting personality. Yes, shes there. I am here to support if I can but a simple chat is as far as Ill go. The Tragic Real-Life Story Of Alice In Chains - Youve lived through so much loss and heartache, and youre still there for the real fans, speaking the truth. Thanks for posting that. What she looked like, how she dressed, & the decoupage shed make from angel& Victorian cutouts that she would paste on boxes & give as gifts. ITS JUST FUCKED UP BULLSHIT! Was it the greater love that made them sole matesdrugs? Marilyn Monroe. The best thing you can do is dont freaking try it. Its the nature of things and I think that this is dictated by how we feel about certain people.). I didnt even know it was even possible to be that naturally beautiful. You are not invincible and you cant just experiment with Heroin. Hi all. I desperately want my life back, and as much as I adore the aforementioned people, I have no desire to follow in their footsteps and go to my grave this young. "Demri was a fashion icon in the Seattle Grunge scene. . Who Was With Demri Parrott When She Died? - FAQS Clear Demri Parrott - Ethnicity of Celebs | Truly a loving person. Demri was bisexual, and she was a nudist. I watched so many people either die or just become such a broken mess they probably wish they were dead. Dear Barbara, thanks so so much for this post. Your writing gripped me immediately once you mentioned how magnetic some people could appear to us. Because it does and these beautiful people have created this place for dialogue. Everything has already been said here, but I want to thank you personally. Which makes the seductive drugs become even more powerful. You were making fun of it and you crooned the line you are so superduper bravissimo to me like the big goofball that you were. Alice In Chains frontman Layne Staley and model Demri Parrott's relationship started as a fairytale but turned out a tragic love story that people can still remember.