Mr. Chong: Do you understand why its not okay to take advantage of anybody? Principal Ramirez: No excuses, no exceptions, if you ever abuse them again, I will have to suspend you for the rest of the week, now get out! Lola: >gasps, to other sisters sans Lynn< You guys, Lincoln has got a girlfriend! Mr. Chong: Now, this is what your future will be if you continue being a bully. Chandler: BOOOOOOO, go back to Great Lakes City, BOOOOOO! Anderson: >to Taylor< Pretending to be friends with a sixth grader, and then you lured him into our trap, thats pure genius. Lynn: Are you going to keep running in the hallway? Principal Ramirez: >to Anderson and Pablo< Boys, leave the kid alone, if I ever see you hurt this boy again or I get a report on you two again, I will have you expelled for the rest of the semester, I have told you both over and over, bullying is not allowed in school grounds, this is your final warning! When the girls meet Lincoln and his sisters, escapades abound! Luna: >to Lincoln< I'm real sorry you had to deal with those bullies dude. Kidnapped Caper Chapter 1 Unexpected Meeting, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction. (Taylor and Mr. Chong were in meditation and Mr. Chong shows her windows of her still hanging around with the same two bullies asking other students for money and other of their personal items). Lynn: Aha, eating in the hallway while school is in session huh chump? (Lincoln got to his seat like normal, meanwhile in the hallway Lynn was eavesdropping onto other kids who were talking about shooting). Lincoln: Really? Pablo: >to Taylor< Oh wait, that's right, Lynn stole his breakfast burrito. Lynn: >interrupts Lincoln< No backsassing bro, that's a ticket for running in the hallway. "Wow Linc-Lame, your sisters are even worse than you" The bully texting back to Lincoln. Mark my words, you all havent seen the last of us! WebHere my very first fanfiction. Webwerewolf. Lynn: But Principal Ramirez, please, I'll never do it again. SoulKiller13. Taylor: >to Lincoln's friends< Nice to meet you all officially too. Anderson: I think her plan is that she wants to be Lincolns friend and he felt for it perfectly, now the closer she gets to him, the closer she gets to his baby sistersand once she has them all alone, >punches his hand with his fist< WHAM. Pablo: >to Anderson< Bet she's talking to herself because she's got no friends. (One by one, Lincoln points his fingers to each of his friends names, then they introduced Taylor to themselves). Lincolnloud Stories Taylor: >to Lincoln< Im sorryLincoln. (Luna lets go of Taylors hand, then the parents walked in and introduced themselves). Mr. Chong: Yes, pretty pitiful huh? Taylor: You know, I never even get to meet her. Rita: Lincoln, I think it was sweet of you to help me cook dinner tonight. (Lincoln started to play his game without worrying about Lynn, the next day, Lincoln was riding Vanzilla alongside Leni, Luna, and Luan as Lynn Sr. was the one driving them to their respected schools). [passes by his classmates as they give him (Taylor explained the whole situation to Mr. Chong, Lynn safely escorts Lincoln to Mr. Bolhofners trailer, he came in just like last week when he was the first to come here). Taylor: I have seen what that other kid and Lynn did to you and I really felt bad for you, you didn't even deserve that much treatment. She wears a pink polo shirt with a purple collar and a white button, red long trousers and white shoes. Chandler: >teasing Lincoln< I see London, I see France, I see Lamecoln's underpants! School Officer: >to Seventh Grade Boys< It's okay Boys, I'll let you two off with a warning this time, now head to class, >to Lynn< And as for you, while you are not Hall Monitor anymore, I'm just glad you took it serious, so I'll let this slide for a while, don't be harassing students anymore. WebLincoln Loud was viewed by many to be a strong, caring, and kind person. That's nasty. WebLola blamed me for hitting her, Luan pulled another prank with a whoopie cushion, Lori poured water on me and destroyed my comic book, Lynn gave me a charlie horse and someone pushed me into mud! (Lincoln gulped, he closed his eyes waiting for the punches, Anderson cracked his knuckles ready to strike, Pablo does the same thing Anderson did, Taylor even goes into memories of Lincoln and Taylors great time together, she remembers walking him to class everyday and striking good conversations, she remembers giving him a hug at the park, back to the present, Taylor suddenly snapped, her eyes turned from sadness to anger, as Anderson was ready to strike, Taylor blocks Anderson from Lincoln, all three of the boys were shocked in surprise). (A reflection of the past reveals a sixth grade Taylor as she met up with Anderson and Pablo). Lincoln: >in Locker< Uh, a little help here? School Officer: >to Anderson< Move along son. (See the end of the work for more notes.) (Anderson releases Lincoln and Lincoln fell to the ground). Pablo: Oh, pretending to be a friend to that white haired chump and picking on the babies later on is pure genius. Taylor: Yuck, Really Mom? Loud (The other students just mocked and teased him, although Taylor laughed a little, she then gets a sudden flashback of herself in middle school just about Lincoln's age where she gets herself pantsed by another student as the other kids were picking on her as well, then she snaps herself out of it, but realizes that it wasn't worth bullying if he was already bullied by someone his own grade, she returned to the bullies who were waiting on Taylor). Here is my 29th fanfiction. Taylor: Like I said, it wasn't your fault, you didn't know it was taken when it wasn't assigned to us in the first place, what I meant to say was as I said earlier, I'm sorry for the mess I caused, but I appreciate you guys standing up to us when you told us that we weren't the boss of you guys, we actually deserved that. Loud House LANA: (kind) It's what siblings do, Lincoln WebA/N: Hello everyone, I give you my Loud House fanfic. Nobody likes you at all, you are a nerd, and nobody will ever love you. Episode Information Gallery Script Categories Languages Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. (The stench got to Chandler as his face turns green and retreats to his new assigned seat, back in the guidance office, after Taylor told him the whole story). Lynn: Exactly, which is why from here on out, I will no longer be hall monitor after that action I caused on you, Ill be your escort buddy from now on, Mom and Dad said that Ive been punished long enough. WebLola blamed me for hitting her, Luan pulled another prank with a whoopie cushion, Lori poured water on me and destroyed my comic book, Lynn gave me a charlie horse and someone pushed me into mud! Lincoln: You know, for an eighth grader, you seem to have a change of heart and Im glad we are starting over. No Bus No Fuss Luna: What? They regretted for everything they had done to him. Taylor: Oh, um, I was in the bathroom, picking on some girls >grins nervously<. WebLynner or Loser. But then Ronnie Anne came and all of that changed in the twinkling of an eye. Principal Ramirez: Hello, was that a knock? (As Taylor stoked his hair, they heard laughter as Pablo approached from the left and Anderson approached from the right, they both cracked their fists together as they were ready to punch him), Anderson: >to Lincoln< Well well well, if it isnt our favorite sixth grader, Stinkoln Lame!. Making the Grade (my version Anderson: We are eighth graders and we have a right to tell you what to do and what not to do! Principal Ramirez: >to Taylor< Taylor, is there something you want to say to him? (Mr. Chong shows her a window to the future of what could happen in her future, she sees herself in a gang when she starts high school, and she doesnt go to college and lives out in a life of crime, she then sees herself as a convict in a women's correctional facility, she was shocked and sheds a tear in her eye). B User blog:Babsfrisch/The Loud House Guy; User blog:BatSam247/Dimension Hoppers: Part 2; Lincoln: Why did you become a bully to not only me but the other kids? Bullies LENI: Yeah, Im fine. (Taylor and Mr. Chong stopped their meditation and resumed to the real world). Fanfiction - Karate Linc (Taylor pedaled away from the park, cops surrounded Lincolns body and lifted him to the hospital, Lincoln was in the bed with some injuries to the face, Rita, Lynn Sr. and the sisters even Lynn felt very sad that Lincoln had to be beaten up by Anderson, the friends then came in and surrounded Lincoln with some get well cards, the next day, Lincoln came back home as he walked upstairs to his room and laid on his bed with a sad beaten up look on his face, he looks at the photos and him and Taylor on his phone, meanwhile at Taylors house, Anderson and Pablo were hanging around in her bedroom, the boys were playing Smash brothers on her nintendo switch, but Taylor wasnt interested, she started to shed more tears in her eyes, Lincoln then started to cry as Taylor was no longer his friend, same goes with Taylor as she started to cry as well, later that night, Lincoln was coming downstairs to join his family for Pizza night, Lynn Sr. just ordered them Pizza and wings, though Lincoln was eating, he wasnt eating as fast as he did, Lynn looked in concerned, as Lincoln was getting to bed, a knock on the door was heard), (It was Lynn she walked up to Lincoln and sat next to him). Principal Ramirez: Thank you for reporting this to me Lynn, that was the right thing to do. The sisters were all sitting at the table waiting for their dinner. Lincoln: I should have stayed with Clyde instead of the back seat. Lincoln: The door on the left is Lori and Lenis room, Lori isnt here at the moment, shes studying at Fairway University. Taylor: >to herself, crying< Now you understand someone else's pain when they start middle school, you don't want to make sure they too become a bully just like you, you've should have known better than that, you've been hanging out with the wrong crowd and I don't want you to let him do the same thing as well, it's all your fault, you started to Taylor: >to Lincoln< Ill trade you a PB&J sandwich for a Grilled cheese sandwich. Mario and the characters related are a registered trademark own and created by Nintendo. Taylor: >to Principal Ramirez< Yes ma'am, >to Lincoln< Lincoln is it? He's your brother! Lynn the Bully It was a typical day morning on 1216 Franklin Avenue. (Lynn pastes a ticket on Lincoln's face, but she pins Lincoln and grabs his arm twisting it). Taylor: But I want to be his friend again, I dont deserve to be with them anymore. Loud House Mr. Chong: Yes, you have passed the test, I think you are going to make some new friends and even reunite with some old friends, you are awesome the way you are, without being a bully, nor being involved in a gang. WebExplore Episodes More Community in: Banned episodes, Episodes, The Loud House Season 5 Episodes English No Bus No Fuss View source Not to be confused with its book adaptation. Lincoln: >to Taylor< Sorry you have to see that. *Laughs* (The Bullies leave) LENI: *Tearing up* I guess I will give this dress to a friend *Sobbing* (Leni arrives home, Luna was watching TV with Lynn and they saw Leni crying) LUNA: Hey, Dude. bully WebWhat A Wonderful Loud. Anderson: >to Lincoln< No? (The officer gives her another ticket and pastes it on her forehead, later on they waited outside for their parents to pick them up, Taylors Mom came and picked up Taylor, they waved goodbye to each other, Lincoln was waiting for his Mom but he was cornered by the two bullies). Taylor: I understand, I suppose I want to make an apology to everyone online, even if I take the risk of being bashed on. and "No Bus no Fuss" are considered terrible because of non-sensical plots, unintelligible character development and cringe-worthy stereotypes there are on these said episodes (even though I find them both Mediocre in my opinion), so I made this story as I felt sorry for Lincoln for what has happened to him on those said episodes despite my lack of interest in him, but I wanted to make this story as a strong anti-bullying message since the writers of that show refuse to give out new idea's and recycle the same elements that has been repeated, I hope you enjoy it. WebUser blog:Austria-Man/A Loud House Fanfic: Heroine or not Heroine; User blog:Austria-Man/Crows; User blog:Austria-Man/The Sleeping Boy; User blog:Austria-Man/The Ugly Loud; User blog:Austria-Man/Truth or Fanfiction? (The same bullies were looking at them as they were snickering ready to strike by the time they get off the bus, in the locker hallway, Lincoln was trying to open his locker, Taylor was the one that was sneaking up from behind him, until Lincoln was getting tortured by not Taylor but Chandler who just pantsed him by pulling down his pants showing his Ace Savvy underwear). Loud House Month Of Horror Lincoln then exits the bathroom all clean, but notices the van missing. Lincoln then exits the bathroom all clean, but notices the van missing. (Taylor grabbed a chair in the table and had doughnuts and an orange juice as she was watching the action news team do their job). (Lincoln and Taylor traded lunches, Lincoln has Taylor's Bologna sandwich while Taylor herself has Lincoln's Brussel Sprout casserole, they both tasted it and were satisfied with it, a few hours later as school was coming to an end, Taylor escorted Lincoln to the front entrance waiting for their respected parents to pick them up from school). (Anderson and Pablo escorted Taylor to class, meanwhile Lincoln while in Mr. Bolhofner's trailer was giving out tests that they have finished Friday, after he brought the tests back, he sat back down and a loud fart was coming from his desk, everyone started to laugh, Mr. Bolhofner was annoyed and turned around in anger). Mr. Chong: Precisely, that's why it's never a smart idea to be a bully whether it's face to face or on the internet, and you should never let them feed you with other users getting upset with you insults, but if you ever been trolled, ignore them and never feed trolls in the first place. Anderson: >to Taylor< Oh, okay, we missed you, so what do you say we head back to class? Lincoln's friends: >to Taylor< Nice to officially meet you Taylor! Principal Ramirez: That's not a bad idea, Why don't you escort him to my office after school so we can make a deal, okay? WebNo one was especially cruel to him so he accepted cruelty as a part of life. The Breaking point If I start a fight, Ill get suspended, Dad was right, I shouldnt have to be so rough on him, I should have protected him, I know what I need to do, and I must to the right thing, I have to report this to Principal Ramirez and hopefully shell give me my job back. However, when they are discovered they are forced to go on the run. WebHere my very first fanfiction. (Lincoln gulped, it cuts back to the present with Lincoln angry at Lynn for not helping). View source. Lynn: Good, now get some sleep little bro, hopefully things will look better for you in the morning. Taylor: >to Anderson< What are you talking about? (It starts at our school, the bell rings, and Lincoln walks in to Mrs. Johnsons class.) Lincoln: >to Lana, annoyed< NO! (Hours later, Taylor learned another lesson from Mr. Chongs Anti-bullying program, she left the office, only to bump into Anderson and Pablo who stopped her). That's when my mom walked in and Lori left the room. That's not even fair!!! Sibling Incest. 58.7K 547 33. Anderson: You really care about this boy? Taylor: Do you think they make documentaries about the effects of Bullying too? I also wanted to give a big thanks to AnimationFan15 for giving me the title, "Loud's Eleven." (Up front, Bernie was looking from the rearview mirror with angry eyes and circles his hand with finger pointing up signaling her to turn around, Lynn in defeat did what she was told to do and grumbles). Web9 minds in one Loud (Loud house nsl fanfic) by Red16dragon YOU ARE READING 9 minds in one Loud (Loud house nsl fanfic) Action During the events of nsl Lincoln is raped by his family as this causes his mind to shatter into 9 other parts each with their own personality and some with powers. Leni: Who is it this time? Mr. Bolhofner: >annoyed< Who broke the wind?!?! Lincoln: Thank you Taylor, you are my hero. Fanfiction (The School officer escorted the two bullies off the building, Taylor turned to Lincoln and reached her hand to him, he grabs her hand and she lifts him up, Lincoln gave her a heartwarming hug). Lincoln: >confused< Taylor? What was it that attracted her to him? (Mr. Chong snaps a mirror and Taylor sees her reflection). crossover. Loud Looney Tunes is owned and created by Warner Request from Evancorp123456 Completed Lynn: Thats right, I cant be harassing people. By: ed edd n eddy IN MINECRAFT Rated: Fiction T - English - Horror - Chapters: 26 - Words: 20,629 - Reviews: 96 - Favs: 28 - Follows: 26 - Updated: Oct 31, 2017 - Published: Sep 29, 2017 - Status: Complete - id: Lynn Loud Srs brother Luke and his wife Max come to visit Royal Woods for the summer with their 4 daughters, Brooke, Belinda, Bethany, and Brenda. Mr. Chong: That would be fine, lesson over. I haven't talk to Bobby for 2 hours! Lincoln: You were just having some trouble. (The front door bursted open with an angry, black-eyed Lincoln glaring at Lynn, she notices). Long story short, in the universe Lincoln: Ill ask my parents if its alright, though I will understand if they say No. Lynn: I'll show Principal Ramirez how good of a Hall Monitor I am, an maybe I'll get my job back if it's the last thing I do, Lynn Loud never gives up. (Anderson picks him up by the shirt and threatens to punch him, luckily Principal Ramirez saw the whole thing and scolds the two bullies). SoulKiller13. (Later after dinner, Lincoln was getting ready for bed, until he gets a call from Taylor on video chat, he answers). Lincoln: Okay? What A Wonderful Loud (They brought up a thought bubble of Taylor being a giant and beating up Lincoln and his younger sisters as she cackles, the thought bubble disappears and they go on with their plan). Lincoln: >annoyed, to Taylor< Hey, I was going to get some, you can't swipe it from me! Lincoln: And then thats when I kissed her so that I could make my sister Lori happy. (Taylor knocks on the door and Principal Ramirez answered), (Taylor walks in with Lincoln and they sat down). What was it that attracted her to him? Lincoln: Yes Principal Ramirez, I met her on the school bus. (Lynn groaned and marched upstairs to her room, Lincoln went downstairs to play a game on his console, Lynn Sr. and Rita told him about Lynn). Loud House (The bully runs away in horror because of two six year olds, Lola and Lana help Lincoln up, who's injured) LINCOLN: Thanks, you two. Lincoln: Ive never heard the story of your brother that way, he truly was a monster. Taylor: III dont want to be like this. Lincoln: Thanks Mom and Dad, Ill go tell her right now. Making the Grade (my version (Leni come into Lori room to see why Lynn: >to Rita and Lynn Sr.< What? The Loud House Fanfic #11-Second Mommy Loud House (The Troll then throws Lincoln off the edge of the cliff, Lincoln falls and screams, he wakes up breathing, he checks on his body and it was still on, he then went back to sleep, the next morning, Lincoln got on the bus while escorted by Lynn as placed him on his seat next to Clyde). Anderson: >to Lincoln< Hope you enjoyed your "Royal Flush" your majesty. Lincoln: >angry, to Lynn< Not only that, you flaked out on me and you didn't even bother to help. Lynn: >to Lynn Sr.< I love to help him, but he is a big boy now, he needs to learn to do things all on his own. (Taylor escorted Lincoln to the Principals office after school, Lynn on the other hand shouted from the top of her lungs while inside the office). Lynn: Sorry Stinkoln, you know the rule, if you encounter a bully, you got to stand up for yourself, and if it gets worse, you may have to fight them, all on your own. Im a master at this. Lincoln: >exclaims in disgust< Ugh, Brussel Sprout casserole, my least favorite of my Dad's dishes. (Then on a Wednesday, as Lincoln was getting in line, trying to get some food, Taylor swiped the food from his tray). Lincoln: Well, Loris in college right now so she wont be coming back until Thanksgiving break, unless if shes at the Casagrandes for Thanksgiving because shes dating one of my best friends big brother. (It starts at our school, the bell rings, and Lincoln walks in to Mrs. Johnsons class.) (Lincoln sat in his seat, Chandler was the next to come in). What A Wonderful Loud But when they did this he discovered a power that few have learned, and very few hav crossoverfanfiction. Principal Ramirez: > to Lincoln< Exactly, since Lynn is in detention until five, I've contacted your parents to come pick you up, >to Taylor< Same goes to you too. WebTo clear things up, the ending of the last chapter of 'Restored Image' actually hinted at the start of this story; this story, along with 'A collection of Loud House one shots' (another one of my Loud House stories up on this site), are set in a different universe than where the 'Broken Mirror' stories and 'Restored Image' are set. Luan: There is a saying Lincoln Once one becomes a bully, they always stay a bully you cant trust them! (The bully runs away in horror because of two six year olds, Lola and Lana help Lincoln up, who's injured) LINCOLN: Thanks, you two. Mr. Bolhofner: Im sorry to hear about what happened Saturday, but dont let this distract you when Im in class, understand? Mr. Chong: Yes, and you also failed to tell them that you are in charge of your own life and decisions, you have let them take control over you, you should never let them do what you dont want to do, and based upon evidence, you have been helping them steal food, toys, money and homework, what kind of a student would you be if you keep bullying others? Looney Tunes is owned and created by Warner Principal Ramirez: >to Lincoln< Lincoln, it's not nice to call anyone a jerk, especially your sister Lynn, we should worry about you for right now, Taylor wishes to redeem her good deeds by quitting to bully you and to be your new escort buddy. Loud WebAfter completing the video, Lincoln nervously sent the video to the bully on his phone, Much to his relief, The bully found the video to be funny and submitted the video to the contest. Anderson: >to Taylor< Thats right, keep your mouth shut, this is between me and the sixth grader. Lincoln: Tell me about it, youve beaten me several times, and you didnt even give me a chance. It was a typical day morning on 1216 Franklin Avenue. 58.7K 547 33. (Both Anderson and Pablo cackled silently, he speaks to Taylor pretending that she succeeded). Taylor: Yeahhey, this cloud looks like two Bears fighting each other over scraps of fish, >chuckles< reminds me of watching a documentary about Bears with my Dad when I was a girl. Lynn: He's already learned that the bullies will get more aggressive and the school staff will be more strict then ever, he needs to learn how to stand up for himself or fight his way out. It was another normal day at the loud house me and Lori where in the kitchen arguing about something as usual. Lynn: But that boy was taking to comic out of his pocket during--. I haven't talk to Bobby for 2 hours! Taylor: >to Lincoln< This will only hurt for a few seconds twerp, so stand still. She is one of Lily 's classmates. You ok? Taylor: I had a dark past that turned me into a monster, not like a movie monster variety, but an actual monster, I had some issues with my big brother. (Like before, she crossed her legs again, closed her eyes, pressed her thumbs and index fingers together and hummed, she goes back into mediation). Lincoln: >to Taylor< Now that all of this is in the past, we certainly can be friends, that is if you want to be part of our group. Pablo: Oh man, and I thought we were the kings and queen of bullying.