The number WO2020060606A1 contains three "6's" but is obviously not the same as "666." Aji Kusuma. As it turns out, there is. [9] We reached out to Microsoft for more information about this patent and will update this article if we hear back. [16] Since light excitation is not needed for luciferase bioluminescence, there is minimal autofluorescence and therefore virtually background-free fluorescence. That number is 666." While Revelation 13 is the main passage that mentions the mark of the beast, there are other references throughout Revelation. To say this is silly is an understatement. Luciferase. Is it a computer chip? "We can get through these several years of tribulation together as long as we all take the mar--I mean, the vaccine.". Of course, a person could respond by saying, Yes, but the text says the mark is placed on the right hand or the forehead. Does this not therefore necessarily imply a physical mark? The answer is no. No, the claim is a baseless conspiracy theory, with many basing their response on the fact that the word begins with "Lucifer", the name of the devil. Fema camp test to round you up? ( 12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No . : US 10 , 152 , 666 B2 WE just might be witnessing the kingdom of Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast system being assembled before our very eyes!! This patent is filed under the number WO2020060606A1. [28][29] Newsmax removed Emerald Robinson from the air and stated "We have seen no evidence to suggest LUCIFERASE or LUCIFERIN are present in any vaccines or that they are used as any sort [of] bioluminescent marker. Copyright 2010-2023 Full Fact. 13:16). Calcium triggers release of the luciferin (coelenterazine) from the luciferin binding protein. Dr. Carrie Madej warns in the movie that COVID injections have two purposes: 1.Reprogram our DNA to turn us into more easily controlled human-IA hybrids. Its a mark of loyalty and worship, which requires full cognitive and heart-felt awareness of what you are doing (otherwise its not worship). Wiles said. The sensitivity and high signal intensity of this luciferase molecule proves advantageous in many reporter studies. A core ingredient of the shot, SM-102, also contains a technology called luciferaseLucifer race.. [24][25] However, environmental factors and therapeutic interferences may cause some discrepancies between tumor burden and bioluminescence intensity in relation to changes in proliferative activity. [19][20] Luciferase can act as an ATP sensor protein through biotinylation. Luciferase is an enzyme that produces light and is "naturally found in insect fireflies and in luminous marine and terrestrial microorganisms." ( here) As explained here by National Geographic,. Luciferase is a generic term for the class of oxidative enzymes that produce bioluminescence, and is usually distinguished from a photoprotein. PDF Luciferase Assay System - Perelman School of Medicine at the University The text of the patent further explains that the "user device" in the diagram may include wearables, such as a smart watch, or cell phones, laptops, or tablets: User device 130 may include any device capable of processing and storing data/information and communicating over communication network 120. Weve seen a post online claiming that Bill Gates and Microsoft have a patent, numbered 060606, for a microchip that would be inserted into peoples bodies, and would monitor their activity in return for cryptocurrency. APS ASSESSMENT: False. [11], Nearly all of the energy input into the reaction is transformed into light. Invisible Ink Could Reveal whether Kids Have Been - Scientific American That last part is key. !" [13], Luciferases can be produced in the lab through genetic engineering for a number of purposes. Rather, luciferase has been used in some COVID-19-related research. Tom McDonald explained the research as follows: Its a good surrogate for whether or not the virus can get into a particular cell type, and you can actually quantify it. 13 acts as a parallel to the seal that is placed on the foreheads of Christians in Rev. Privacy, terms and conditions. The N-terminal domain is conserved between dinoflagellate luciferase and luciferin binding proteins (LBPs). He is commonly known as the Devil or Satan by humans. Some public policy ideas are good; some are terrible. This patent application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. The Commission has concluded an agreement with the pharmaceutical manufacturing sector to purchase up to 300 million doses. In March 2021, a Facebookpost claimed the "luciferase" enzyme was part of the Moderna vaccineand that recipients have a "barcode or imprint or pattern to I.D. The CV-19 VAXX has LUCIFERASE (Lucifer Race) DNA in it, an Instagram user wrote. 13:15; 20:4). Microsoft's 060606 patent doesn't reference injectable microchips. So, while it has a similar name to the fallen angel in many religious stories, the only connection between luciferase and Lucifer is the origins of their names. You say it gets in more, it gets in less, that type of comparison is easily made with the firefly luciferase. *Correction: An earlier version of this post stated that the Senate had a bill before it, when it should have said the House of Representatives. Therefore, a significant conformational change must occur to provide access and space for a ligand in the active site and the source for this change is through the four N-terminal histidine residues. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Is Bill Gates Satan's Spawn? Or Merely a Geek The message of Revelation beckons us away from angst and worry. That patent has the number WO2020060606, which contains 060606. Is 'Luciferase' the Name for the COVID-19 Vaccine? - To sum up: Microsoft has applied for a patent that deals with the development of a cryptocurrency system based on tracking body-activity data. Furthermore, isnt there enough evidence that the vaccine is the number of the beast, including a bill currently before the House of Representatives (6666) and the very letters C-O-R-O-N-A themselves?1 These are good questions, and I think a response would be helpful. In order to rightly interpret the letter of Revelation, we need to investigate these churches historical situation. A roundup of some of the most popular but completely untrue stories and visuals of the week. Misleading. In comparison, the incandescent light bulb only converts about 10% of its energy into light[14] and a 150 lumen per Watt (lm/W) LED converts 20% of input energy to visible light. Follow @FullFact People have claimed that Microsoft and Bill Gates have filed a patent numbered 060606 for a microchip to be inserted into the body which rewards physical activity with cryptocurrency. Email us at or call 212 416 4552. That patent has the number WO2020060606, which contains 060606. The word luciferase has roots in the Latin word lucifer, meaning light-bearing. Does Microsoft Own Patent '666' About Implanting Microchips in People? MICROORGANISMS AND METHODS FOR PRODUCTION OF 4 - Such substrates have been used to detect caspase activity and cytochrome P450 activity, among others. In other words, at certain times and in certain locations in the empire, the only way to be a good-standing citizen would have been to simply curse Christ and worship Caesars image (see again Pliny, Letters, 10:96-97). One well-studied luciferase is that of the Photinini firefly Photinus pyralis, which has an optimum pH of 7.8. Theres no chance any U.S. patent for a COVID-19 vaccine would exactly match the number 060606, because U.S. patent numbers have contained eight digits ever since the country issued its, Some of the social media posts attempted to link the COVID-19 vaccines to an. Create an account or log in to get started. Shi said his team has been collaborating with leading pharmaceutical companies to help them evaluate their vaccine candidates, specifically by measuring the immune response in humans in clinical trials. 4966369 illuminati 666. Patent number 060606 cannot be found on GOOGLE's patent database. However, this patent focuses on wearable technology, such as a smart watch, not implanted microchips, and while patent number "WO2020060606A1" contains three "6's," this appears to be little more than a coincidence. Pradeep Kumar. Microsoft Technology Licensing applied for this patent in June 2019, and the patent was published a few months later in March 2020 under the number "WO2020060606A1.". NEWS BRIEF: "Microsoft's New 'Mark of the Beast' Technology is Patent #060606: Bill Gates", "On March 26, 2020 patent WO/2020/060606 was published. As of this writing, the company has applied for the patent but it has yet to be granted. Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. Bill Gates is turning out to be one very evil man.". by Geoffrey Grider May 3, 2020. This conspiracy theory is propped up by little more than coincidences and misinterpretations. A variety of organisms regulate their light production using different luciferases in a variety of light-emitting reactions. Chinese scientist filed COVID vaccine patent after contagion emerged In Revelation chapter 13, we read that the beast from the sea has a number, which is 666, and we're told it's a human number, or the number of a man. The helical bundle domain has a three helix bundle structure that holds four important histidines that are thought to play a role in the pH regulation of the enzyme. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. Luciferase enzymes and luciferin compounds were discovered in the late 19th century by French scientist Raphal Dubois. United States Patent fig] Fletcher et al. Some might call it the Lucifer race. He wanted to seed the human race with his DNA., Whats the motive? Clark asked. Therefore, in order to lower the pH, voltage-gated channels in the scintillon membrane are opened to allow the entry of protons from a vacuole possessing an action potential produced from a mechanical stimulation. Heres more information on Facebooks fact-checking program:, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, University of South Florida School of Public Health. The tweet read: Dear Christians: the vaccines contain a bioluminescent marker called LUCIFERASE so that you can be tracked. Craig Keener offers helpful thoughts on this point. Lucifer (DC Comics) - Wikipedia At the, , luciferase has helped speed up diagnostic COVID-19 testing, because it allows researchers to see the presence of antibodies more quickly than they could using other methods. Keener also points to another Jewish text of the period (known as the Psalms of Solomon) that describes a mark placed on evil people. Theres no basis for the claim that the operating system has anything to do with COVID-19 immunizations. Breslin, Conor. U.S. Patent and Trademark Office | USAGov It can be found in Revelation 11, 14:9, 15:2 . Clark asserted that Microsoft has filed a patent for a cryptocurrency system using body activity and did so using the filing number W02020060606, which he linked to Revelation 13:16-18, a passage in the Bible that says the Number of the Beast is 666. Could it be the vaccine? Luciferase on PCR tests exposed! Theres no chance any U.S. patent for a COVID-19 vaccine would exactly match the number 060606, because U.S. patent numbers have contained eight digits ever since the country issued its 10 millionth patentin 2018. Also, Bill Gates 060606 cryptocurrency patent, germ . . John writes in Revelation: "Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." In Hebrew, much like in Greek, letters correspond with numbers. When you take his full name, Ronald Wilson Reagan, you can see how each name contains exactly six letters. The WO in the patent stands for the governing body that will be granting the patent - the WIPO. An exemplary embodiment of user device 130 is illustrated in FIG. As their influence grows, our work becomes even more important as does your support. Angel Laureano holds a vial of the COVID-19 vaccine, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, Md., Dec. 14, 2020. Luciferin is the. 14). *no man might buy or sell unless has the mark. Agency Details Website: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office . filed with the World Intellectual Property Organization by Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC. Rick Wiles Says Bill Gates Is 'Building Lucifer's Antichrist System' by Here is what we know about the latest dangerous false claims to come to light. The second letter beta would be understood as two, and so on. The false claim that luciferase is in the Covid vaccine was made by Emerald Robinson, a White House correspondent for the Conservative news network Newsmax in a tweet made on November 1, 2021. Lucifer, luciferin and luciferase all come from the Latin lux, meaning light, and ferre, to carry (here ). 553 234, was maintained in amended form pursuant to Article 102 (3) EPC. Trial #666, codenamed "The Beast," provoked the desired immune system response researchers have been searching for. All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes. Read the last book of the New Testament to see how this ends.. Is luciferase in the Covid vaccine? Verum Bellator on Twitter: "LUCIFER-ASE (Patent 060606) *It is a Mark [15], In the luciferase reaction, light is emitted when luciferase acts on the appropriate luciferin substrate. Modern folks are used to this. Please make a year-end donation to keep this critical work going. Their pattern can be read to identify the vaccine that was administered. Nero was one such emperor; Domitian was another.8 Suetonius, the well-known ancient historian, says Domitian demanded to be addressed as both Lord and God (Suetonius, Dom. [9] Logically, the histidine residues cannot be replaced by alanine in nature but this experimental replacement further confirms that the larger histidine residues block the active site. Its much more sensitive, much more accurate, when you test antiviral compounds.. Because of the light-emitting properties of luciferase, they are useful in tracking biological processes. . Both posts have been removed after a fact check by USA Today that there are "no luciferase enzymes or satanic connections in coronavirus vaccines". Download Free PDF View PDF. This article is part of our work fact checking potentially false pictures, videos and stories on Facebook. The patent, which has not been granted as of this writing, makes no mention of microchips. Furthermore, the "WO" at the start of this patent does not stand for "World Order." Mostly, though, Ferre was just deeply grateful for the "divine intervention" that helped researchers to finally crack the code of the effective vaccine. Alternatively, sensor 140 may be included and integrated in user device 130. News Release: DHS Laboratory NUSTL Receives Patent for Remote Alarm