Capricorn degrees- 10, 22: With Capricorn degrees on the ascendant, this individual just screams CEO energy. 8th house synastry you cannot run from, the only other synastry thats scarier than that is 12th house synastry. Also someone on the slimmer side as well. This aspect magnifies your self-confidence and charisma. Maybe they might even have red hair or dye their hair red LMAO. You are a natural Sun for attracting a lot of people in your orbit. They also might use their voice as a way of getting ahead, whether they pursue a career in communication or singing, or being able to talk their way into certain positions. Libra Mars placements are SO moody, but boy do they know how to flirt and charm. I could also see people with these degrees being very methodical and planning things out. Theyre complex and have a unique sense of humor. They also like to feel comfortable when having sex, and likely wont have sex with someone they dont feel comfortable with. Oppositions suggests a lack of balance. They also may want to have sex under the influence of dr*gs or alc*hol. You can leave your old beliefs that blocks you and slow you down behind during this period. They are authentic in the presence of the North Node person. I think its because Scorpio and Aries are both ruled by Mars (in Western Astrology). Hey guys, this was requested and low-key I really wanna do it, so Im skipping around instead of doing the planets in order. People with harsh Casanova aspects esp to their Mars tend to be unfaithful in relationships. Remember, not all soulmates are romantic either. These individuals also might move very slow, or walk slow. The Sun is also our ego, and a lot of people see the word ego as a bad thing. 1 year ago on October 02, 2021 at 3:52 pm. Overall, they are cautious and ambitious lovers. curvy). Obviously this isnt always the case, but I dont see them as the perfect soulmates that everyone says they are. If not creative, theyre at the very least very fun to date. Positive vibes are in the air, and it is best to take advantage of them. We correlate all these facts to astrology. Ambitions:Individuals withCapricorn degrees in their Mars are extremely ambitious. Each aspect is worth 1 point. This luminary is about vitality, health, energy, motivation, willpower, energy. Red flags in synastry are important to look at. Because of their pull, Sun people have many friends, and they are grateful for your light. This degree deals with doctors, health, and hospitals so theyre likely to be a doctor, nurse, veterinarian, clinical psychologist, etc. I think Aries moons tend to have more of the anger issues. Lastly, they also might resemble their father. What synastry aspects make someone fall in love when they werent expecting/ meaning to? Sag placements and Geminiplacements in the big three tend to have the most expressive faces. Libra degrees also have the same flair for romance that Taurus degrees have as well, since both degrees are ruled by Venus. If the relationship develops and deepens and endures, look for the nodes to be at work. Thank you. However, challenges are an important part of the journey and they help you grow. For those who like men, they may like thickermen (i.e. For the downsides of Aquarius degrees, since theyre unique and have an unusual approach to love, it maybe hard for them to find people who they feel truly get them. While this could manifest as being overprotective, I see it more as a good thing. Often, you are insecure in the matters of this planet. Doing this will ease possible obstacles presented by these placements and unlock great wisdom. We also have great conversations and we really get each other. I personally love Leos, 90% of the ones Ive met are lovely and one of my best friends is a Leo. Ive also noticed people with this aspect have divorced parents (myself included). The amount of Libra energy here. I think Cancer + Pisces works well and Cancers with earth signs. Theyre seen as unique and are graceful in their self-expression. Aries degrees- 1, 13, 25: With Aries degrees on the ascendant, Id say that this individual likely wears the color red a lot or incorporates it into their look a lot. They also might use sex to help them manifest things (honestly you should do this if you have this degree, sex magick is v powerful). So for me, my Venus is in the 7 in the 7th house, at 7 LMAO. And the Sun people are sincere in their intentions. Pisces degrees in love are intense and mysterious. a dad bod), if not they enjoy the traditional masculine form. Cancer moons be giving Shakespearian monologues whenever youve made them upset. However, I have noticed that this plays out in different ways. They also might have hair that stands out, or just a big head of hair in general. Individuals with these degrees on their Mars are likely to pursue a career in law or criminal justice, such as being a lawyer, a victim advocate, etc. With the Sun opposite north node, people usually go with the Sun and abandon their life mission represented by the north node. Weird shit. Thinking about the time my co-worker liked my other co-worker and she tried to flirt with him by asking for a bite of his icecream and he told her to get her own. The things you do during this transit may come back to haunt you. It is outside our comfort zone even though it's our destiny. Chiron positively aspecting+conjunct moon: This is a very healing placement. Ive noticed sapphic women tend to have Venus-Uranus, Mars-Uranus Mars-Neptune, and/or Venus-Neptune placements. Mars conjunct south node/north node/vertex/juno (other aspects like trine/sextile also but I dont think they will show up as powerful as the conjunct in this specific case). Its more intense than Moon in the 8th because its more s*xual. I remember reading somewhere that Neptune rules the org*sm so looking at which house it falls in and which planets it aspects can tell you what youre like when you org*sm. They have a good sense of who they are, and they have good intuition. (The third house is typically associated with cars, some say the 4th, but I think its the third since 3rd house energy is more on the go and 4th house energy is a home-body type of energy). I can see these individuals being very fascinated by the spiritual realm and the unconscious. Aquarius suns and Capricorn suns are so hot. In general, the sun is important in outlining a person and their identity & conscious personality, and the moon is important in interpreting a person's subconscious personality and feelings/emotions. Your immediate attraction may be very powerful, whether this is a romantic or friendship aspect. They also dont take anyones shit. I either become absorbed by my routines or I just struggle with developing one at all. Thank you. Dynamic and powerful irregardless of how long the relationship physically lasts. North Node Conjunct Mercury: I feel like people with this aspect really get each other, and they teach each other a lot. Now, you still feel remnants of this energy and you must learn how to heal the wound and trust each other again. Also more extremely I could also see individuals with this degree having an exhibition k*nk, and wanting to have sex in front of people. Because of this knowing, you strike up an immediate friendship or feel that the other is quickly familiar. Theyre kind of unattainable in a way, they rarely show their vulnerable side, and my Cancer stellium is like LEMME FIX YOU. There is a rapport between them that is undeniable, and the Sun person will shine extra brightly in the presence of the North Node person. They also might have a quality about them thatshorse-like; maybe they have a big mane of hair or a longer face. This aspect wants you to develop your authentic self. The North Node in Synastry - Astrology Anonymous Well-established is the fact that the Sun is the center of the Solar System. The north node conjunct Sun synastry aspect indicates a powerful and deep connection. I could also see them wanting to become doctors or nurses, as this degree deals with hospitals. They also like to be romanced before having sex, they want to be wined and dined. Their north node conjunct your mercury: Empowers your dynamic thought processes, imagination and ability to communicate your future with others and with yourself. Take note that the North and South Nodes are not celestial bodies. Mars Conjunct North Node: Are You An Extraordinary Person? However, Im still sober enough to type so Im gonna just talk about my opinions and rants on astrology. I could also see them quite literally using s*x to get ahead. This conjunction can be a sign of strong attraction between you. However, there is something very unique to these individuals, whether it be their demeanor or something about their physical appearance (I mean this in a good way, btw). In more extreme cases they felt unloved or unloved by one or both parents. Hope you guys enjoy! THANK U SO MUCH! Pisces degrees- 12, 24: With Pisces degrees on the ascendant, like Cancer degrees, individuals with these degrees might havewatery eyes. The relationship can also be very passive aggressive, and the Mars person can become too much for the Neptune person. Virgo degrees also may do too much for their partners and can be too selfless when it comes to love. This could serve as a motivation for them to work hard, so theyd have a nice house by the beach or a pool. For a more specific overview, you can look at your Suns degree and the degree of the house it falls into. Since this degree deals with technology, I could see them preferring to date on dating apps because they find it easier to talk to people that way. For example, water signs make you want to grow emotionally, while fire signs are more physically or mentally active. Kinks (NSFW): Individuals with Capricorn degrees in their Mars are definitely into power plays since these degrees deal with control. They also might be constantly seen with their friends and are always learning about some cause and are helping others. Speaking of which, she literally messaged me today and Ive been thinking about it all day. At first, this is a really easy aspect and the relationship feels effortless. Same thing can go for someone close to them who went to prison. Sun Conjunct North Node: Synastry, Natal, and Transit Meaning No surprise here. The North Node may find that they avoid their issues and working towards growth when theyre around the Sun person because its easier to stay comfortable. Also, since this degree deals with su*cide, I could see them working as a su*cide hotline operator, or working with su*cidal people to help them. North Node in the 3rd: This is great for platonic relationships! But, I do think an abundance of soulmate aspects in the synastry chart is significant and should be taken seriously. This of course makes a lot of sense because I plan to become a psychologist. In other words you notice their teeth right away. Theyre motivated by a desire to learn- whether it be to learn about philosophy, other cultures, etc. I feel like Scorpios tend to use the Cancers to heal themselves and they tend to form trauma bonds with Cancers. Kinks (NSFW): Individuals with Scorpio degrees in their Mars are definitely into some intense shit LMAO. It can also be very hard for them to leave, which can become an issue if the relationship gets toxic. Instant friendship is probable, but if there is any hesitance, it is likely on the part of the North Node person. Obviously if you have this placement it doesnt mean youll get stalked, Ive just noticed that these placements tend to get a lot of attention from the opposite sex online. I could also see them really being into the whole teacher/professor role-play, and wanting to learn everything there is to know about sex so they do a good job LMAO. I could also see them having a breeding kink as well since this degree deals with pregnancy. Whoever said Libra suns are pushovers and peacemakers, are deadass wrong. Check out this article on. Theyre sometimes considered as one, other times theyre more of a medium aspect. Even the ones who have a wandering eye, they will love you so hard, and I think thats what makes them so hard to resist Literally Jake Gyllenhaal has this placement and I think All Too Well sums up how fast love moves with a Sag Venus. Taurus Venuses are definitely the most romantic Venus placement. You can simply ignore it in your relationship, but its really beneficial to use this aspect by digging deep into your emotions, healing old wounds, and pushing each other to grow towards your North Nodes. You shine, and you take pride in it! LMAO. I could also see them pursuing a career dealing with electricity, i.e. The North Node represents what the soul is working towards, while the South Node shows the past self, or who one were in a past life. They just tend to think about shit over and over again. What happens when you have a Sun conjunct north node synastry aspect? I could also see Gemini degrees wanting to go on educational dates like taking their partner to a bookstore or a library. They also might be into being restrained during sex and chained up since this degree deals with prison. Mercury sextile / trine Mars synastry : These aspects indicate flirtatious , stimulating forms of communication. They stick to routines and stability. Moon Sextile Saturn: This softens the karmic relationship aspect of Moon Conjunct Saturn. Sun conjunct Saturn in synastry is a very karmic aspect. They have these really deep and calming voices. Wealth is also a motivator for those with Taurus degrees, they want to be rich, they want to live the good life. When it comes to asteroids, I personally dont take minor aspects into account, i.e. I can also see individuals with Capricorn degrees being very influenced by their fathers; they are likely motivated by their fathers to be like them or to completely be the opposite of them. The Sun shows who you really are. It describes how you express yourself. I could also see them using their friends and organizations to help them become successful, i.e. This website doesn't provide any financial, legal, medical, psychological, or any other kind of professional advice. Therefore, Pisces degrees need to be mindful of how they approach their relationships. When your Sun is conjunct your partner's North Node, one of the major themes of your relationship is developing each other's talents and strengths. Also for aspecting personal planets and angles, Ive noticed there usually are 3+ aspects, but this isnt always the case. They love hardcore romance and shit. I feel like I vibe very easily with water and earth sun signs, but I tend to grow the closest with air and fire signs. You both help to develop the talents and qualities of the other person, though this can be a bit much over time. one person asking out the other) in the Composite chart are: North Node in the 7th, Vertex in the 7th, Juno in the 7th, asteroid Valentine 447 in the 7th house, asteroid Frigga 27 aspecting Venus, and Vertex Conj. They are open about their love for each other. Ive noticed ALOT of Capricorn suns have issues with their father. Also like Gemini, they might use sex for self-expression and express a lot of emotions during it. Ive noticed this more in men though. 6th house synastry is really nice too! I typically refer to Placidus astrology for synastry, but its definitely worth looking into whole sign astrology as well for synastry. Ive noticed people with their Mars at 0 degrees tend to not be very s*xual or dont care much about it, like it happens when it happens, sort of attitude. The only air mercury I dont have this with are Libra Mercuries. a lake, the beach, etc. Vertex Conjunct North Node. Nothing else to say here. Venus Conjunct Jupiter: This one is great for all types of relationships, I feel like people with this in synastry truly understand each other. They flirt alot with each other despite how long the relationship has lasted. This would definitely also be a placement that considers a job in the criminal justice field, as they want to help people, especially those who get hurt and struggle. Too many trines in synastry isnt a great thing either, it can make the relationship fizzle out and go stale. 2nd house synastry can be really great, but I feel like it can go sour if the couple isnt mature enough or careful enough. Love will always be the most important facet of this friendship even if that remains unspoken. South Node conjunct the - Tumblr Also Scorpio degrees in Venus are very magnetic and have a charm to them like Libra, but theirs is a much darker charm. Hi guys, Ive honestly been having a lot of fun with the degree theory, so Im gonna do this post on degrees on the ascendant and what they mean! They might pursue the same career that a family member does, or they might pursue a career in the psychology field since it deals with emotions. *** Next Full Moon - March 7, 2023 Virgo 16 *** Next New Moon - March 21, 2023 Aries 0 ***. Like Virgo degrees, they also love helping their partner and doing things for them. So be mindful of conjunctions in synastry, and what planets theyre aspecting. It will be full of challenges and growth for both parties, but especially the Saturn person. I tend to notice that women Sag Venuses are the ones who tend to be extremely loyal whereas the mennot so much. Venus Conjunct North Node Transit: Changing Yourself, Pluto Conjunct North Node: Embark On The. They want stability and things under their control, anything that they have no control over, they want no part of. Moon Square Moon: This one isnt abusive ordangerous, its just hard. (I can attest to this, I find backs SO attractive, esp a visible back lineughhh). Their North Node conjunct your sun: This relationship is planted firmly in the future and encompasses all levels of your life. Natal Sun Conjunct North Node ~ Special Privileges They also might want to pursue a career in hairstyling. The Sun also represents health and vitality. The Sun person, just who they are, it's almost as if they represent what the North Node person wants to be or wants to see in the world, and it feels right to both of them. Also more extremely, I could see them being into er*tic electrost*mulation. Be mindful of North Nodes and Vertexes in synastry, it can tell you what purpose that person is going to serve in your life. They also might be motivated by their faith; they could be very religious or spiritual. Now, this is good for those who are in it for the long haul, but for short term flings? Scorpio and Aries moons definitely get along well, despite being fire and water signs. So all of your other planetary aspects have the Sun's filter through it as well. Individuals with these degrees may also be very jealous of what others have, and this can motivate them to work extremely hard to get those things. Like theyll curse you out and youll still be like huh, I still wanna be their friend. Most Virgo placements I know do charity work. Also Virgo degrees? I feel like so many Cancer suns have issues with one of their parents or someone in their family, despite being the sign offamily. When you piss a Gemini Mars off, you could get their calmer anger where they just talk shit about you to one of their friends or the kind where they just completely go off on you. The zodiac sign of this point shows the qualities you have to develop. Like the bright sun rays, the Sun represents motivation and confidence. I also love to learn about art too and social justice (since Libra degrees talk about fairness). The Sun person can naturally push the North Node person towards soul growth. If you imagine our solar system, the Sun is at the center and we have all of the other planets and asteroids in orbit. They know how to annoy people and push their buttons. I would love to work with you in understanding your relationship synastry more fully. The idea of being watched excites them. couldnt find a post where it has the NN-SN beside 1 another for comparison. A lot of yall got anger issues, but youre still hot. Empathy is VERY strong, and often the two can get lost in the . I love air Mercuries, but they tire me the fuck out. As with the 7th house and 7 relationships are also a big motivator for me; I always want to do whats best for my relationship and will fight for my relationships no matter what it takes (this can be my downfall ofc). It doesn't just have to be a romantic relationship, either. Having a prominent Priapus in your chart makes romantic partners want to have s*x with you right away, and this aspect typically gives a high s*x drive. I kind of envision them as just sitting on the couch at a party, getting stoned and just chilling out LMAO. Everyone talks about asteroids conjunct your ascendant, but never talk about the oppositions. I dont know why this is, but it always tends to be the case. Im sorry, but every couple Ive seen with this aspect are always fighting, to the point where it becomes toxic. If things dont work out, the pain still helps both individuals become better people. In a non-romantic relationship, you guys both motivate each other to do the best you can and I think of a power couple type shit. This is my first synastry post, so why not make it a red flags edition! So we need to look at it as a whole after we look at it individually. This aspect indicates a relationship that is constantly moving forward. It can lead to obsession, stalking, and/or extreme attachment to each other. Hi, Its a comfortable placement, and I think of it as the two individuals sipping tea together by a fireplace baring all their secrets to each other. Also more darkly, a lot of my dreams and imagination revolve around my depression and my fears and are very dark. They also might resemble their mothers a lot. These definitely wouldve been the kids who wanted to walk around everywhere and couldnt stay still. This ego is the reason why they can come off as self-centered people. The North Node is one of the moon points in astrology. Individuals with Cancer degrees may pursue careers that are nurturing i.e. Ehhhh maybe. I feel like Cancer suns are either super shy and introverted, or really outgoing and vivacious. An abundance of squares should be taken with a grain of salt. Sun Opposition Mercury: OKAY HEAR ME OUT. Almost every married couple I know has placements that are neighboring, i.e. They wont necessarily need to grow together, but theycan help each other find thebest qualities in their past. I also want to mention that when it comes to synastry, it's like a grand recipe and each synastry connection that we look at is a different ingredient in that grand recipe. I have it aspecting my moms Mercury, and a lot of people say I sound like her on the phone. Venus in the 1st. We lowkey just didnt like each other, but I thought she was hot. Im really glad you guys all found it really helpful, as promised, heres how were going to analyze degrees in your planets and houses. I have profound knowledge about Emotional Energy and Healing, Angels to Astrology, Meditation, Law of Attraction, Tarot, and Numerology. It feels like the right thing to do. For me my Uranus is in the 20 and falls in the 3rd house at 19. To them, time with their partner is as imperative as brushing their teeth. A Platonic Take on Astrology on Tumblr Theyre also probably a boob person LMAO. These posts are more of for fun, but I think itll be a fun series! My name is Karen, for 19+ years my career as a psychic medium, a professional astrologer, and a spiritual advisor has given me the fulfillment to be able to help others in simple ways using the advantage of my abilities. Quincunxes (inconjunctions) should be considered a major aspect imo. Aries suns and Capricorn suns have more in common than you think. I cannot pin them down for the life of me, as a Cancer. I also like to use communication in a creative way, i.e. They also might have a fantasy of having sex on top of a pile of money or having sex in a really expensive place or maybe wanting to have sex with someone very rich. Or they might both work in a job where they help vulnerable people. Squares always indicate friction. North Node Conjunct Mercury: I feel like people with this aspect really get each other, and they teach each other a lot. If this aspect is developed and worked through it has the potential to be a life-long bond. They also have a desire to learn, and are very likely to go to college or at least receive some higher level of education. I also see them loving the water, and wanting to maybe live near a body of water. Body part theyre likely to find most attractive on a partner: The ass LMAO,lower back, and skin. Try to dive into spirituality and the unknown. They tend to be motivated by their emotions, and perhaps by their family as well, whether it be for a positive reason or a negative reason (i.e. They also love the idea of phone s*x andFaceTime s*x. Theres definitely some exhibitionist shit going on here LMAO. Ascendant conjunct/opposition sun, venus, moon, uranus, imum coeli, mars, neptune, juno, vertex, eros, south node/north node (other aspects also work, however these are usually more felt). You can try to learn to play a new instrument or write short stories. They act together to the extent that its hard to tell them apart. Again, to each their own, these are just my observations! Lastly, I could see them liking someonesinnocence and wanting tocorrupt them. Asteroids are small bodies, and in order to make a big influence in your chart they need to have conjunctions, aspects to personal planets, aspects to the AC, IC, DC, MC, in the 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th house, or aspects to the chart ruler. Its our emotions and our reactions to stuff. I also see them being into *dging aka org*sm delay. Well guys, Im done and Im starting to get tired from typing. The Pluto person can also find themselves being overwhelmed by the emotional demands of the Moon person. I figured since I did a red flags synastry post, I might as well do a post with good synastry and some opinions. These people rarely get sidetracked. However, you can display the negative manifestation of the Sun and Leo in the first part of your life: exaggeration, boasting, a love of everything royal even when you cannot afford it. So it's not a bad thing. Sun Sextile Moon: Like the trine aspect, these individuals have a good balance between their ego and emotions. Id also say that theyve maybe struggled with their appearance or maybe have gotten bullied for it. So my sun is at 3 in the 7th house which is at 7. Venus: Your degree here shows how you love and how you best receive love. Check out this article on Sun conjunct midheaven or you can also read this article about Sun conjunct Jupiter, if you want to learn more. Their public image makes or breaks them. Also hips. Like I have asteroid Apollo opposition my ascendant, and Ive had so many people who try to challenge me, and be intimidated by me for no reason LMAO. This can be parent and child, friends, or siblings. Being together makes you feel like youre really going places and moving forward. This is of course, unevolved Leo degrees. With their loving and gentle hearts, they sure are the light in our lives. Theres a lot of struggles with understanding each other and fulfilling each others emotional needs. People who are born under the influence of Sun conjunct north node are natural leaders. I have an 8th house stellium in my Eros chart and it makes sense, Ill just leave it at that. The North Node person feels like they're on the right path and together it just feels right. social anxiety. In this article, you can learn how to interpret the north node conjunct Sun both in synastry and in the birth chart (which is the same as Rahu conjunct Sun). Its weird how certain aspects play out. Ascendant opposite ascendant (1st house on the 7th house overlay). For example, Venus Conjunct North Node, theyre likely there to be a romantic partner and if not that, they might be there to teach you self-love or teach you about your relationships with others. Whatever they decide to do though, they have to be the best at it, and they have to be the first to achieve it. Venus conjunct/opposite/trine mars (especially if the venus is the person with more feminine energy). Your Sun Sign is the filter that your soul has chosen to shine itself through in this life. The North Node gives us clues about what our soul wants to do in this lifetime. You are a natural Sun for attracting a lot of people in your orbit. Taurus placements I feel just want to be strong all the time and dont want to get involved with emotions because theyre messy. What's your sign? They wanna hear the tea. These individuals also appear to always be daydreaming and you can never tell what theyre thinking. I look more at Composite charts and Davison Charts to determine if people will get married. Thats about it. For the next post, Im thinking of going deeper into each one (i.e. This is also the degree of exploring, so theyre likely to explore different kinds of relationships and people who may not be their type. These individuals are also sincere and honest. If you have the Sun conjunct South Node synastry aspect, youalso have the Sun opposite North Node synastry aspect. Capricorn degrees in love are enthralled with the idea of becoming a power couple with their partner.