It was a moment of weakness/ not thinking in which I let everyone else around me influence what was probably the biggest and worst decision of my life to date. With the known one I prep with taking pine needle tea and it makes it alright for me to do my two hour shift but if there is a second exposure in 24 hrs, I am down in dizzy spells then convulsions start. PDF Prunella vulgaris extract and suramin block SARS-coronavirus - bioRxiv By the end of May he was very weak, and by the middle of June 2020 a CT scan showed over 30 large tumors all over his body. Do your part. The small-town doctor who treated most of the large and active semi-rural families I knew when I was growing up, would have properly diagnosed the real diabetic (type 1) and saved his life, and he would have told the type 2 diabetic, You dont need a doc, you need a kick in the butt. Its a warning to be aware of false religion and its works based system used to get people saved. Thanks. Hope you get well soon brother. I have been having lots of fatigue and really bad headaches lately. I now have a responsibility to the public to continue covering these stories. You will want to support the EVER CRITICAL lipid membrane of the mitochondria. God bless you. Why are we still trusting the media and the medical wizards that dreamed up this sham? When we stay alcohol free, in my experience, we break some of the legal right of the enemy and he has less opportunity against us. Its called suramin. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEHS SAINTS! This is not a light subject and it can be exhaustive (this is not the place for it) Lastly, when we step out in truth we open ourselves up for attack by Satan. Did get side effects from over taking it,chest pains twitching arm. The Trail from Suramin to Pine Needle Tea "Suramin provides an antidote for those affected by the spike protein "contagion". Vaccine trials have been going on for decades. Last Friday I took the day off from work and stayed in bed the whole day with headache, stomachache. Instead of tearing and bleeding, vit c helps the vessels to expand/contract. We know this because why? Thecypressis not to be usedas an essential oilin high doses, but normally safe otherwise. !Best wishes, all!, Tank you so We naturally stayed home, didnt want to be around any people. Further, Ive been writing about all these people who developed blood clots and died after the experimental mRNA or viral vector shots. we dont wear masks). My only goals were reassurance that pine needles were non-toxic and that you can in fact get suramin and shikimic acid from them. I even told a close confidant to handle a few things if I died in the coming days. 2020 Feb 21;64(3):e01168-19. It must have been an instinctivecall. After three days, I broke down and took a few Tylenol (I also hadnt taken chemical/prescription drugs of any kind since probably 2008). They make Mullein Tea for congestion and Lung Issues and add a pinch of Coltsfoot if mucus does not budge easily. i am retired at the moment RN. The stupid will believe it and ask to be treated. What would the point of that warning be if the wine of the time had very little alcohol or was basically grape juice as Ive heard from some tea-totalers. Laurie, I agreegood words. Who knows. My friend takes it and says its fantastic. I just want to make a note on your comment, Liz., Spike protein/Piikkiproteiini: Research history of vit C and Dr. Fredrick Klenner. 100 Years of Suramin | Pine Needle Tea Shop The spike protein itself is a toxin and a preprint study has identified the S-1 subunit of the spike protein still remaining in the bodies of LongCovid survivors - as much as fifteen months after their apparent 'recovery' from having a SARS-CoV-2 infection or 'COVID-19' illness. Yeah, were Screwed! At least that is what many good, reputable, non-compromised doctors believe is happening. The old mindset expressed by that limited soul above will not be tolerated. Safety/Turvallisuus(suramiini ei ole myrkyllist eik kerry aivoihin): >As suramin is a charged molecule and does not cross the blood brain barrier it exerts neurotoxic effects in the peripheral nervous system No way. If I have wrongly assumed this, I sincerely apologize. Hello! Any natural medicine with 0.01% of these deaths and side effects would have been pulled from the market immediately. Not to mention all the tree sap and bugs on my kitchen floor, and my manicure was utterly destroyed. Air born? I thoroughly enjoyed this story and thought that it is my duty to place a comment so you know that people are reading these informative articles. protein D614 and G614 variants mediated receptor association and virus . Perhaps its a mind over matter thing. Prayers! If you have been forced to take the vaccine, this antidote may help you defend against the mysterious ingredients of the vaccine. WOW! 5:11, the word drunkard is from the Greek word methysos , the root word is methy and is defined by Strongs as to drink to intoxication, i.e. Suramin has also been used as a treatment for potentially deadly African trypanosomiasis, or sleeping sickness. This is what I have been doing while I am surrounded by the vax people. Two major events I attended during that time had thousands of people at them. Accept correction, all Gods elect delight when He rights their wrong. Ill gladly pay the $25 for 5 ounces here. This site rocks the Classic Responsive Skin for Thesis. Everyone MUST be vaccinated before September 1. Trypan blue is so-called because it can killtrypanosomes, the parasites that causesleeping sickness. Obviously from heart attacks. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! By far the vast majority of conifers havebeen used medicinally for thousands of years with an excellent track record. He had his 1st Moderna Mar 11. Euthanasia directed at these groups; euthanasia must be an essential instrument of our future societies, in all cases. EMIGRATE WHILE YOU STILL CAN. I also found stirring it really fast causes the leftover needles to sink to the bottom of the cup. Horrific what you went through from the off-shedding. dividing us!, all living in fear of our fellow humans no matter which way we believe about all of it. (The word serum is being used here since, evidently, the way to avoid taking the jab is to say I am allergic to the serum.). Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to stop abruptly rather than gradually deteriorate. And others got strokes and are partially paralysed. Praying for you and forever grateful for you sharing truthpraying for your full recovery. It starts in 2 hours of being around a vaccinated person, direct correlation. I noticed the price at the feed store went up 50-100% depending how far back you look (3-6mo). Now, take note what Paul says in 1 Timothy 3, Deacons likewise must be dignified, not double-tongued or given to **much wine** or greedy for money. Good to get checked out. No amount of alcohol is safe or beneficial. I work as a disability support worker in Australia. Excessive coagulation causes blood . Much respect from down under., I bought ivermectin through the go to the website and look for treatments for Covid 19 I filled out the info a frontline doc called me the next day for a phone interview .. gave him required info and they had a pharmacist call me within 24 hrs I ordered the ivermectin and they sent it within 2 days .. it is $90 for the phone consult which you pay ahead of time when you fill out info on their site.. it was $72 for 12 pills .. Brighteon is not responsible for content uploaded by contributing content providers. Pine needle tea and antihistamines are keeping alive, literally. No headaches like yours. Abdominal pain began April. Glad your on the mend & I appreciate all the work your doing. Yew pines (Podocarpus macrophyllus), ponderosas (Pinus ponderosa), and balsam fir trees (Abies balsamea) are also toxic. Wiki: Keep using and up the frequency (3X / Day) ended up doing it for me Was a long battle and I know what you mean about feeling like dying was quickly becoming a very real and likely outcome, but thanks be you you and others Ivermectin Paste 1.87% is on Amazon and any local Feed Store I followed the weight model suggested for dosage If your skin has been affected rub some on there too and wowee/zowee that cleared up too! I believe you have taken my meaning out of context. last week, i got a headache + grogginess + brain fog for a few hours after being touched by a vaxxed friend. 2005;135(1):247-61. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2005.06.003. The headaches were all but gone by May 18 or so. Did you have any issues with Indiamart and or the application? Red pine needle oil (or tea) contains something called suramin, which appears to be an antidote to spike protein contagion. It is only available by injection, and has been a closely guarded secret not made openly available to the masses during this pandemic, yet is an effective solution for parasites and viruses of several kinds, along with a large number of other conditions. I can find it online as a treatment for animals but Im not sure if it is safe for humans so I need to get more info or find a good source. Plavleisel cancer grows like a tree roots, you can cut it out, it keeps multiplying and grow further. It was at this point that his cancer exploded. Jacques Attali was an advisor to Franois Mitterrand (former President of France) and wrote this in 1981: In the future it will be a question of finding a way to reduce the population. I harvested some young Dougles Fir needles last fall and have been adding it to my morning tea blend for the last couple of months. All of these stories are very similar headaches, complain to doctor, doctor sends them home, they die from stroke, ruptured aneurysm or worse. I woke up that morning with a headache like nothing Id ever experienced. Read some of his papers. I take Solgar brand Mega Quercetin, 1 cap= 600mg Q, +brom, rutin, hesperidin, bioflavs, & vit.C. But the headaches persisted and these twitchy feelings kept happening in the same front-right part of my head. I found this blog and thank you so much for this info btw. The ACE2-binding Interface of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Inherently - PubMed We have now examined the effect of suramin on G protein signaling for the vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) receptor in lung. I fear They have Signed on to The List For The Grim Reaper.. Their Choice, Their Husbands too.. The problem most professing Christians have is they refuse to let the bible say what it says in its proper context. Its too bad that forums like these cannot disable the upvote/downvote function or change it so that only upvotes are allowed (downvoting is actually upvoting boo hiss) OR separate tallies are held of each. If you are looking for the antidote that she mentioned, here it is." I broke out with eczema in September for the first time ever, and it got worse over the next 6-7 months. I used to get dr. in my area.It cost me 60$ for telephone visit and he sent the arc to my local Walgreens pharmacy. Suramin is an extract of the Pine needle oil. I will never get the vax, tried to talk him out of it, but he wouldnt listen. Elimination (regular bowel movements) is important, as are nutrients, and removal of other toxins (mycotoxins from mold, parasites etc) Dr Neil Nathans book Toxic has excellent information, as does Tennant Institute on the importance of voltage at the cellular level. Google search: Thats why he gave us plants vs doctors. But Ive heard just as many anecdotal stories of people coming down with these symptoms after being in close proximity to vaxxed people. Im also using white pine oil, fennel seeds (chewing after meals), and star anise tea. Bought tons of it afraid theyll take it off market when people figure out it works. This new species of vaxxed, GMO human is shedding the spike proteins and infecting others with their contaminated genes. Yes, God said there was a place for wine: Proverbs 31-. (even with my ladder) Then I drove 90 minutes home. Also fennel seed tea, and dandelion root tea have shikimic acid. The white cedar, balsam fir, white spruce, and white pine are featured in a video I watched, where the person is making the teas and comparing the flavors. Anyone know for sure if its in it? As such, I am glad your article is easy to follow. I took the gel from a tube 30 years ago; my doctor prescribed it so I wouldnt have to buy two different oral & external prescriptions for scabies. Even better, you can ingest Suramin simply by drinking Pine needle tea. Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more., >The enzyme, Guanine 7 Methyltransferase is responsible for the capping of the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA to conceal it from the hosts cellular defense. Thank you very much. Sometimes I feel a little stress pressure in my head. Was it just stress-related migraines from working too much and rarely sleeping in my mid-40s? God bless. He sure did. There are several reputable vitamin mfg that sell proteolytic enzymes. Dont take my word for it, look this up for yourself, there are a plethora of studies that show this. Wow, thanks for the amazing post. I literally work 17+ hours per day with everything I have going on with my real businesses, and my journalistic and ethical duties related to COVID Legal USA and The COVID Blog. Its ok if you disagree. If your comment is to dismiss Jesuss message about warning against alcohol, then you are in error. Next post: 16 minute video explains the vaccine forward to those who need to know. I had no idea about the dye being a heavy metal!!! I am severely allergic to the protein shedding from vaxed people. It looks like a pine, but the needles are toxic. Pine needletea has been used medicinally worldwide for thousands of years. They have told us that 70% of their employees have already been vaccinated. Yetpine needle teaprovides a similar, if not superior, benefit, due in part to the fact that it is a direct mild extract of the whole herb leaving many of its properties still intact thatmight be destroyed by excessive heat during distillation and further dissection of its many nutrient components. If your comment is to dismiss Jesuss message about warning against alcohol, then you are in error. Even small amounts of alcohol can impair judgment. Since I dont carry medical insurance, I asked if I could pay cash. i bought ivermectin at the farm supply store, in paste form, the cheapest. A 2021 study published in the journal Antioxidants (Basel) answered a question of my own curious mind: why do pine needles never wilt and die like all other leaves on trees? But I think now Im just paranoid and any little abnormality creeps me out. thehighest levels of antioxidant benefits. No longer drink only water, but use a **little wine** for your stomachs sake and your frequent infirmities. Paul explicitly told Timothy to drink a little wine, so it becomes clear wine is not evil in and of itself. Pam. My wife is always about supplements, etc, but I am not and yet she ask me to give her a brief explanation about what others write. Im wondering if the vaxxed did spread something to you in the airplanes. It is only available by injection, and has been a closely guarded secret not made openly available to the masses during this pandemic, yet is an effective solution for parasites and viruses of several kinds,along with a large number of otherconditions. So it should be no surprise that I was quite worried when my normal physiological equilibrium was way off for over two weeks, which is also why we havent updated in a while. Suramin is thought to uncouple the G protein from its associated receptor, although there is no direct evidence for this mechanism. The whole herbal source (needles) is superior to the single compound extract (Suramin) because the needles possess a full complement of phytonutrients providing numerous additional benefits that the extract is incapable of. The doctors tell people to wash their eyes with baby shampoo. The most relevant parts of the summary are outlined below with supportive evidence: SURAMIN, THE FRUIT OF EARLY MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY. Scripture tells us that wine is mockerand anyone who is deceived thereby is not wise Proverbs 20:1. Suramin Spike Protein Antidote. I discovered the Suramin info just last week. What a bummer. I dont know where to get the pine needles. The one positive I had going for me is that I suffered no other apparent symptoms that Ive reported in other people. Remember these trees survive harsh winters and hot summers, and always look the same no matter what (theres no such thing as fall or autumn with these trees). How long do the spike proteins last outside the body ? Just wanted to add a more recent study on the subject : Suramin inhibits SARS-CoV-2 infection in cell culture by interfering with early steps of the replication cycle I would have never known that people use turpentine in certain situations for health benefits. Began heavy dosing of pine tea spiked with ginger, clove, cinnamon. Nothing is wicked until sinful man misuses and abuses it. 2021 Jul 28;22(15):8095. doi: 10.3390/ijms22158095. Stupid vaxxers have condemmed us to die. But I started trying to think positive and thought the fatigue was caffeine withdrawal as Id grown dependent on it. Agree with and greatly appreciate all of your info Ivermectin definitely works! Shawn, check out to order human grade Ivermectin without a prescription. This time you pay only $25 concierge fee (not another $90 again as you are already in their system) The pharmacy calls you again, pay etc. House I was living everyone got covid. This is THE most important antidote. Such cross-linking provided the first direct evidence that suramin physically disrupts receptor-G protein coupling. Hello. 5 out of 5 stars (2) $ 10.00 FREE shipping Add to Favorites . It has also been used in the treatment of trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness) and onchocerciasis since the early 1920s. God bless you. The reason I ask is because, wouldnt it be just my luck, the only evergreen on my property is a balsam fir. but i fired my acupuncturist just to be on the safe side. But on both accounts, it sounds like theres a good chance. I see this parroted in many places, but no one ever provides evidence. Its so wrong that he and so many more lose everything because of this damn virus. I think it is $90 dollars or in that ballpark. Humans have been drinking pine needle tea for centuries. Freissmuth M, Boehm S, Beindl W, Nickel P, Ijzerman AP, Hohenegger M, Nanoff C. Wang HY, Friedman E, Olmstead MC, Burns LH. Hes 84 so needed some help. The study found that the flavonoids in pine needles have potential anti-aging properties. The G betagamma dimer as a novel source of selectivity in G-protein signaling: GGL-ing at convention. good example. I take d3 & elderberry along with vitamin c too. household pets dying shortly after the owners get the serum. Spike Protein Detox Suramin Muskoka Girls White Pine Teas Amen..i totally agree. Arthur Andrew Medical and AST enzymes specialize in products like this. I forgot that people were getting jabbed here in Arizona as early as Feb, so I didnt know yet about the danger to the unvaxxed. However, as of 2016, Pine-Sol products sold in stores no longer contain pine oil to reduce costs.Wikipedia. Source, Mike Adams, the Health ranger. China.I bought mine from Amazon, and the vendors are in Korea and China. Ubiquinol, the active form of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) was added the following week. 2007 Jul;51(1):47-56. doi: 10.1016/j.neuint.2007.03.009. None of them would have been able to do two-hour cardio and weight workouts in their last days. It's found in many forests around the world, in Pine needles. Today, I take 200 mg of ubiquinol CoQ10 and maintenance dosages of Vitamin D, Vitamin C, turmeric, cayenne pepper, zinc and feverfew daily. So maybe there was hope. Theponderosa pineis not good for cows mostly due to the observation when pregnant cattle eat the needles the loss of the calf has been observed, but has a long history of health benefits for humans forrespiratory conditions,cuts, wounds, and burns,etc. Thank you. Wishing you good health and recovery. Got some Red Pine Oil just in case, and perhaps for family who have had the jabs thanks too your info and am using it prophylactically as a precaution I suspect that Walmart and other Big Box grocery stores may be best avoided Perhaps 5G kill zones?, Here we report that suramin, a 100-year-old drug, is a potent inhibitor of the SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) and acts by blocking the binding of RNA to the enzyme. Pine needles are high in vitamin C and A among numerous other compounds which provide a long list of benefits: A2011 Korean studydemonstrated using pine needles in tea was the best way to access the antioxidant benefits from pine needles. Theres talk of possible contamination and whatnot, but Ive also not read about a single problem online. Get FREE email alerts of the most important BANNED videos in the world that are usually blacklisted by YouTube, Facebook, Google, Twitter and Vimeo. I picked up a prophalaxis prescription through Americas Front Line Doctors, they prescribed and filled through a FL pharmacy and shipped to me in MA. Wine was part of their culture. I also just received pine needle oil capsules in the mail. Your article I view is showing your profession as well as the very detailed steps you took which is not only very worthy but commendable. It took 2 wks to heal. It found that the extract had strong anti-browning and anti-microbal properties in fruits and vegetables. The COVID Blog is my duty. If shes coughing she should go home if you ask me. My boyfriend was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer 8/19 (age 55). Even w/that, Ive been sick 4 xs with a littany of viral symptoms. It is a pleasure to read such an article and not get lost in too many technicalities. When I write articles I try to make it easy reading and often get feedback precisely about it is pleasant for others to read what I write. He started natural treatments. God bless! These may be my go-to prophylaxis in a pinch when Im around vaxxed, GMO humans. COVID-19 Research: German Study Reveals That Spike Protein Nsp1 Of SARS-CoV-2 Responsible For Shutting Down Host Protein Production - Thailand Medical News Global H5N1 Avian Bird Flu Outbreak In Humans To Be Declared Soon In Coming Weeks! My husband is currently experiencing a significant headache so hes drinking the teas Ive been making for the last 36 hours. a veterinarian who commented on amazon, said that it is the same medicine for animals as for humans. I just saw this article on using an espresso maker to steam star anise (ground up) because it has even more of that healing substance called shikimic acid, than pine does.