For gun owners looking to maximize the life of their firearms, it's important to understand what type of ammunition is acceptable and safe to use in their guns. Are you my mother? They're fun, handy, and can be very practical. Widen your horizons. Modern revolvers (Smith & Wesson, Taurus, Ruger, Kimber) have transfer bar safeties and as such theres no need to mention it.. Same mental disability, but different symptoms. KAER adhere to the business philosophy of customer first, service first, quality first, and provide our customers with high-quality products and perfect service.. We are a professional manufacturer dedicated to the production of gun safes, safe box, pistol safe and other security products. /sarc off/. Doesnt come into play until youve already fired 5 times. Will again once they are old enough to figure out crapping ones pants is a bad idea. I cant believe this is even a subject for discussion. It worked before. It was called Fractured Fairy Tales. and self styled know it alls. I left it in my series 80, but a gunsmith can easily remove it if desired. On paper? I thought it was just the cops and regulars of the IDF. Old model Ruger Blackhawks which have not been converted should be carried with the hammer down on an empty chamber, just like Colt SAAs and other vintage and replica SA revolvers. When carrying the gun in a holster, the grip safety will keep the gun from discharging, even if the . The 16 chamber cylinder is specifically a reference to Kevin Costner in Open Range. If the trigger safety is not depressed, the trigger will not move rearwards and allow the pistol to fire. In meantime, happy to train Israeli carry and take the tragedy buffer. The hammer snagged on a branch, and he shot his horse (he was twisted by the tree). I carry my Jericho the same way. A 1911 or single-action pistol in Condition 1 is comparable to a striker-fired, safe-action pistol, like a Glock, which is always in a semi-cocked condition when a round is in the chamber anyway. and so as to keep continuity in their mindset they keep that same gun on the headboard at night with no round in the chamber so that there wont be any confusion I carry a single action 1911. It takes a dedicated squeeze of the finger. Second, they also trained. Then I chambered a round. Pretty soon, it became standard for guns to have a manual safety switch. Thank you very much. But, OFC, the current crop of TTAG writers are kept too busy chasing sponsors to look up the meaning and physics of the things theyre writing about. If you forget to check the chamber just one time in you life its Sayounara . Break into my house and well see how seriously you take a couple .44 mag slugs to the chest. Belittle all you like, there is only one gun in my house which I will not keep around fully loaded, and that is my one Glock. Im still a believer of an empty gun is just a club. An unchambered gun is a dangerous, useless-to-you half measure. You shoud not count on having both hands available while being attacked. So, us non-glockentines keep a low pro on discussing polymers and plastics, but if I had to go to war tomorrow, you can it would be an all steel weapon. And so it is when carrying a Glock as well. But it used to work fine, a year or so before that. Sound off in the comments! Torture tests are silly and prove nothing about a gun. Just remember, about the only way you can deactivate the safety mechanism is with your finger. Glock came up with this and called it the 'Glock Safe Action Trigger'. Seems more in line with your abilities. Ive dropped a loaded Glock once, actually the only pistol Ive ever dropped in my life. Yep, if you havent actually ever been in a gunfight before you can shut the f#*k up about what or how I carry. Empty chamber is one option, but there are others. I ran a corner thru the trigger and around the other side up the grip. I thing Mossad guys are well trained, just saying. But that would be true for almost ANY gun that didnt have a manual safety engaged. Place your loaded, chambered G19 into the holster (not attached to your belt). I wouldnt have or carry any with a non hot pipe, but thats just me. Id have to go with the DA revolver. Like: condition 2 (good choice for a DA/SA autoloader), condition 1 (if your chosen piece has a manual safety), and etc. OFC, there are those that only want to own one gun. Let the flaming begin, No flame. You just have to get comfortable with it. The pistol was designed to be carried with a round in the chamber with the safety on or off as your choice. One was carrying a single action revolver without a transfer bar safety in a holster, and one under the hammer. It has good stopping power and it only slightly has more recoil . It wont matter if the slide is in battery or not. The fact remains, we are always training. Clearly not enough to train for scenarios where chambering a round can be life or death. Much longer than a Glock, twice as heavy as a Glock. Older single action revolvers or those still manufactured without a hammer block/transfer bar are theoretically more prone to discharge back in the day when you ride a horse as the drop from that position could allow the pistol to rotate muzzle up when it lands. I have been a revolver guy my whole life, and just switched to a Glock 19 after getting two days of excellent training and realizing I could shoot the Glock better (to say nothing of more copiously) than my old Detective Special. Sykes wrote their highly influential book, " Shooting To Live," based on their experiences with the Shanghai Police Department. So the trigger safety is designed to prevent the pistol from firing if its dropped or if the trigger is subjected to any pressure that isnt a direct firing pull.Best practice is to keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire. What an idiot libtard if you have a gun you get good at handling it stay with your BB gun, Mad says, What an idiot libtard if you have a gun you get good at handling it stay with your BB gun. Another difference is that the Equalizer is only available chambered for the 9mm Luger, where the Shield EZ can be had in .380 Auto, 9mm Luger and .30 Super Carry. As long as you use some sort of holster that covers the trigger, and keep your finger out of the trigger area, leave the 19 in the holster, unless its needed, you wont have a problem. Risk vs benefit should ALWAYS be a part of this decision. I worry that my flesh pushing against the soft holster will somehow depress that little trigger safety and nudge the trigger back. My G19 pull is about 4-1/2# about the same as a lot of 1911 guns. If you did not realize the design is dangerous, you would not have spent so much time belaboring the obvious. Just do what you are comfortable/confident with and what is best for your individual personal situation. Of course, older designs without an internal firing pin block can go off if dropped. I actually think thats worth a healthy debate and article all on its own. Glocks have a trigger pull of 5-1/2 to 6 pounds. If you carry a modern pistol with an exposed trigger, you are own your own. I think it's more about . . You carry your way and Ill carry mine. Never mind the others. Maybe. so the theory still stands, if you dont want a negligent discharge, dont be negligent. Ron DeSantis Says He Supports Adding Open Carry to Floridas Permitless Carry Bill, Defendant Agrees Appeals Court Should Uphold Injunction Blocking New Yorks Law Banning Carrying Guns in Sensitive Places, Judge Robert L. Miller: Its an Insult to the Founders to Assume They Didnt Expect Gun Control in Future Generations,,, The G44 was thoroughly tested with a wide variety of ammunition to ensure maximum performance and . without going into details i have it set up that theres no way anybody gets in my house at night without making enough noise for a long enough time that i wont have enough time to wake up and get my wits about me and get my firearm and charge it while on my way to the threat Do you, punk? Ammoland was intelligent enough to allow only one person to use a name at a time. Some of the biggest mistakes happen when training at sex. Nov 11, 2010 (Edited) Dingus said: To gain confidence, do this: Take your G19 and holster to the range. I submit extremely unlikely. Options are good. OMG I love those old Fractured Fairy Tales shows! As for kids, had 3 daughters, all knew all weapons were loaded, all were shooting bb guns by 5, learned safety and marksmanship, and by ten, the oldest could out shoot me with the Smith 9mm semi, steel. Well, technically, you could also just not drop them I suppose. Ive been carrying mine daily for five years and will continue to carry it as long as I can. you roll the dice. There is an old article in the LA Times and National Intrest that claims Glocks are accident-prone and overly dangerous pistols. Carrying on an empty chamber is probably one of the most common beginner mistakes I hear. How often are you a klutz when driving a car? Bottom line: For *any* firearm, you have to *put your finger (or some other object) INTO the trigger guard to fire the weapon.*. A GLOCK is a striker fired pistol with about a 5.5-pound OEM trigger pull that has incorporated into the trigger--in the form of a lever--and when it is engaged blocks the trigger from moving rearward. Mr Hoober, If you werent too busy arrogantly doubling down, you might consider trying it some time instead of pretending you know everything but I suppose you are probably more interested in getting audience engagement than giving good advice. The odds are not in favor of the added time it takes to try and chamber a round, let alone the stress of a real situation. Because criminals dont follow laws, and as long as you stay off the radar, nobody is checking your gun. In war or a defensive situation, that will get you killed. How often do you train your driving abilities?. I asked administrator. I will say this again: If other blogs can do it, then it can be done. -John Muir. The Glock 17 is a full-size pistol that is chambered in 9mm. lol 15 in the clip one in the pipe. Considering how many types of expanding ammo my plethora of 1911s did not work very well with I gave up on them long ago. Are Glocks Safe To Carry Chambered. He grew up hunting, fishing, and trapping. It's offered in a wide range of cartridges, from .22LR to the .357 Magnum. The Gen 5 Glock pistol is the latest generation in the Glock household. Carrying a Glock 26 or 27 in "conditon 1" (chambered) is comparable to carrying a loaded S&W Jframe revolver. Carrying any weapon with nothing in the chamber is carrying an unloaded weapon. Because if youre smart enough to be worried about a Glock short trigger and trigger safety, youre probably smart enough to know you need to train so that your trigger finger is never in the trigger until the sights are on target, and you take the time to inspect your holster for obstructions before holstering or unholstering. However, that may be the reason I carry a revolver, but the reason I carry a gun (as I said) is because ITS MY GODDAMN RIGHT. Let's dive into the depths of insanity when it comes to concealed carry myths. A un-chambered carry gun is useless. If my chamber is empty, I obviously increase the chances that my gun wont be useful when needed, but I also reduce the chance of a ND caused by a minor in my care. WOW! I thought I counted 17 in the battle scene in Open Range. A few overly trigger-happy officers within a department and a sly PR department really spun yarns on this one. I sold my Glocks for this very reason , sure , I came up with other rational reasons , but when I look myself in the mirror and Im absolutely honest with myself , I got rid of my Glocks because I carry loaded chamber and I am sometimes a dumb ass . For that matter, I dont take seriously anyone who carries a revolver for self-defense. When I was a lot younger, I was riding horses with some friends. Those who scream that everybody who doesnt think exactly like them, pick the same options as them, etc., are dumb for not recognizing that they are perfection itself, are just more of the loads of SJW types out for attention by putting everything and everybody down, to make themselves feel a bit better about not having a life. For myself I carry an HK P30sk with the double action hammer in the down position and the manual safety on. The claim is that because Glocks have no safety and a super light trigger, they accidentally shoot people. Height: 5.4. There are lots of better choices out there than the glock. On Firefox for my Linux machine it even goes right to the place on the page I was when I saved. Glock claims that this translates into longer pistol longevity as well as better accuracy overall. Carrying a single-action pistol cocked-and-locked is far and away the best method of carry. To fire the pistol, the trigger safety and the trigger itself must be deliberately depressed at the same time. Every day. You are not going to change my mind. Several years ago I read an article (I think it was Masaad Ayoob) detailing about a half dozen cases were cops had their guns taken away from them by perps and the perps couldnt figure out how to manipulate the safeties, saving the cops lives. Next, there was some discussion about GLOCKs. Eventually, revolver designs changed. They make it look soooo easy in the movies! When the time comes that you actually need your carry weapon things are going to happen really fast. I once had a grim laugh when one Jethro Bodine (after emerging from his out house) told me he bought a Glock because he could not stand the worry of carrying his 1911 cocked and locked. Bear in mind that all Glock pistols are striker fired and are have no manual safeties. The good folks at Iver Johnson (related in name only to the company that exists today) developed a lifting bar that sat between the hammer and the primer of the cartridge. Please consider creating a . to all you sanctimonious what iffers and self styled know it alls out there: A loaded GLOCK, some of the comments went, is susceptible to the dreaded GLOCK ND (negligent discharge). Wait a second, so youre telling me that I shouldnt keep my home defense gun in condition 3 but instead have it in condition 1 and put it in a lock box? I have no problem with a 1911 locked and loaded, there has been one in my car since I bought it in 2010. Because it has no external safety that means you are only 5 lbs away from making the gun fire. There is no way to put a round in the chamber without leaving the striker cocked, and there is no safety. Kind of like Youtube is determined to censor everything but SJWs and cat videos. Is A Glock Safe To Carry Chambered. While I believe training is the answer, its not just fingers that are the problem. No permits needed, no interference from the State. When you carry, do you keep it chambered or do you keep it unchambered so you'd have to actually chamber your gun when you need to use it? A GLOCK does not have an external manual safety. In the absence of further information, which is never forthcoming, the logical conclusion is: They dont want to fix it. They claimed that the officer didnt purposefully pull the trigger, but he just twitched from his heart beating fast and the gunshot an unarmed innocent man. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. on second thought I dont wanna know. Me personally I carry a snap cap in the chamber, so if some lucky bastard grabs my gun and shoots hes about to be dead. Like what would happen if the gun was dropped, and then lands on its muzzle. You can conceal the Glock 43 comfortably and discretely in a Galco leather holster like the . Sub-one second times, under stress are the norm when properly trained. The gun is DA/SA, so the first shot is a long pull on the trigger, but I routinely practice it, so Im OK with it. Its a toughy. How often do you train your driving abilities? Carrying this way isn't for everybody though. Ugggghhhhhh why are we still talking about this? And you should be, too. I have handguns that have a magazine safety I leave the mag out a 1/2 inch in the lock box and the mag cant be rammed home while in the box(like if it were dropped). If thats a problem, dont carry a firearm. this aint 1902 with a Colt .38 Long primitive revolver and you probably aint riding a horse in pursuit of cattle thieves. Yes. Nothing is more dangerous than a little knowledge. I really would like to know if theres a response to my comments. Marshals (1998). When the fight starts, ejecting a live round onto the ground, or hearing the click of a empty chamber, will just mess up your day, maybe your last day. Does the Glock fire then? Its just not for me, especially as I get into my golden years. Thats not a very fresh idea. A lot of guns, particularly the early revolvers, were considered too dangerous to carry with a loaded chamber . As a top performer in reliability and safety tests, it quickly entered into the Austrian military and police service. There is one thing very different between handling a car and handling a weapon a 4000 pound vehicle traveling at 62mph carries over half a million foot pound of energy vs ~350ft/lbs out of your little 9mm or .45 pea shooter. So in 2019, are you telling a revolver carrier to carry only 4 bullets instead of five?? (Some chance remains, of course, given extraordinary circumstances that can be described but have statistically no chance of happening.). An officer was chasing a man down a stairwell with his pistol drawn and the man was shot, but apparently, he was not actually a criminal. Folks, a GLOCK (or any other striker-fired pistol) is perfectly safe with a little intelligence combined with a bit of assiduity. To each their own, and god speed, The first gunm I packed was a SA .22 with a half cock safety and I loaded all the holes, then I went DA but cocked it most of the I got in a habit of cocking the hammers Then I went to auto pistols and just never did trust that hammer sticking up so I carry them with one in the chamber on half cock. Kids are grown, hoping dad doesnt ever need to move in, not the reverse lol, and I have em where I need em to be and they are ready when I am. Glocks are designed with internal safety features to prevent accidental discharge. My bedside gun is always a DA revolver. Perfect analogy. Normally, empty chamber carry adds an average of maybe 2/10ths of a second. I can see no valid reason to carry a modern weapon in condition 3 as long as youre observant and safety conscious when holstering/re-holstering your weapon. (just like some people freakout about a cocked and locked 1911) Rest assured the gun will not go off and shoot you in the ass. In my own case I carry a gun because ITS MY GODDAMN RIGHT and being prepared for the defense of my life is a purely secondary concern. Correct. OthersI just didnt think about and for some pretty good reasons. We can talk about home carry vs guns hidden in various locarions in the house. In reality, the 1911 with only the grip safety would be as safe or safer than the Glock. What Glock Is Most Used By Law Enforcement; Who Makes The Glock 22 A good 1/2 inch drive ratchet upside the head will drop most anyone like they were a sack of feed corn. Length: 7.3. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'guntradition_com-leader-1','ezslot_8',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-guntradition_com-leader-1-0');I do know one engineer who figured out that if it was dropped from 221 feet and it lands on the right angle squarely on its barrel, it could possibly go off, but the bullet would immediately strike the ground and not do much after that. Does the gun have a external safety, or is it internal. An empty chamber is worthless when you need it and fractions of a second count. Since the pin must have considerable energy to fire the primer charge, and then must expend that energy quickly through a sudden stop, it really doesnt matter, because the available object to provide the sudden deceleration needed to drive the pin into the round is almost certainly going to be the ground, and the round must be in line with the inertia, which, if provided by gravity instead of the firearm itself, must be downwards. Please note Im not saying glock = bad. Are Glocks Safe To Carry Chambered. It should stay the way it is. FNS9-C. You have to train how you'll fight and fight how you train. If you try to have a healthy debate its always 100% of the time NOTHING but internet people telling other internet people that their particular opinion is wrong. If you want a common username better grab it quick though. The innovative design of the hybrid steel-polymer slide chambered in our first .22 caliber round provides a lightweight and low recoil functionality for optimal control. Descriptions: Glocks are safe to carry with a loaded chamber as long as they are carried in a decent holster that completely covers the trigger. Glocks dont have an external safety because they were designed as a simple to operate as possible. This is not remotely comparable to carrying a semiauto with an empty chamber, where the slide must be racked to make the gun ready to fire. Haha. I got them after watching the best experts I know of, champions, and their green light review. The Glock handgun is the favored handgun of police worldwide. To chamber or not to chamber? If you need to defend yourself, you cannot afford the time to rack the slide. Being an *untrained* klutz is something entirely different. And my Glock 17. It completely wraps the pistol in hard plastic so there is no chance of anything flexing into the trigger guard. Answer (1 of 30): The main reason to carry, is self defense. Of course, when I was a soldier, I listened to guys who had been there. Is a cheap one as good as a safe from, say, a Liberty or Rhino? It could easily tuck into a nightstand safe or tossed into a range bag. Just bookmark the page you commented on, and then check back once in a while. And yes, I have done trigger work on 2 of my 3 Glocks. Personally I dont just carry for my own personal defense, but also the defense of my country, my comrades and other citizens. Sound off in the comments. i carry mostly to counter the mass shooting incident the type of which where afterward everybody says if there had only been a good guy with a gun and i will more likely than not have time to draw the weapon and charge it while i get my ooda loop going. Concerning long guns that are stored for home defense, I think that "cruiser ready" is the ideal state of readiness for rifles or shotguns. With only six on tap anyway, whats one less? So anybody can mess with anybody here at any time, by pretending to be somebody else. No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'guntradition_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_5',119,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-guntradition_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');The danger comes from dangerous gun handling and not following safe gun handling rules. In a holster made for the gun you carry, making sure its unobstructed is a quick check. On the other hand, most other striker-fired pistols count on the recoil spring to cock the striker. Again, though, training is the answer. That was a few years ago now. In the past, I've heard people say they aren't comfortable carrying a loaded firearm on them or want to just scare people away. What I meant was: As all who have examined a REGULAR single action revolver, like a Colt SAA or the old three screw Rugers before the transfer bar, would know. YouTube it. I felt a few of the points that were raised had enough merit to discuss further. Now youve introduced a firearm where one might not otherwise have been involved, not to mention triggering the bad guys own sense of self preservation. That carries over to shooting, believe it or not. Old school, extract, thumb, trigger finger, rinse n repeat often until autopilot takes over. i doubt that israelis whose primary weapon is a pistol actually use israeli carry. And it will ALWAYS stay in its holster right? Dry fire and have a friend rush you with a fake knife. So in 2019, are you telling a revolver carrier to carry only 4 bullets instead of five?? Well you can either use it as a gun or as a brickI like mine to be carried like a gun. When you thumb the hammer back for the first shot, it only rotates 1/12th or the way around instead of 1/6th.
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