Lugal-irra and Meslamta-ea are a set of twin gods who were worshipped in the village of Kisiga, located in northern. Known as enki in the sumerian language, ea was the mesopotamian god of water. [30] It follows that if the Kenite hypothesis is to be maintained then it must be assumed that the Israelites encountered Yahweh (and the Midianites/Kenites) inside Israel and through their association with the earliest political leaders of Israel. Anu (also known as An) is an early Mesopotamian sky god who was later viewed as the Father of the Gods and ruler of the heavens, a position which then passed to his son Enlil. Reading of the theonym LUM-ma is unclear. Shul-utul was the tutelary god of the dynasty started by Ur-Nanshe. Home to the ancient civilizations of Sumer, Assyria, and Babylonia these peoples are credited with influencing mathematics and astronomy. It appears in every book but Esther, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs. Map of the Levant circa 830 BCERichardprins (GNU FDL). Mark, Joshua J.. We would much rather spend this money on producing more free history content for the world. 1. Uur-amssu was one of the deities regarded as children of Adad and Shala. Mesopotamian religion was polytheistic, with followers worshipping several main gods and thousands of minor gods. Yahweh[a] was an ancient Levantine deity that became the national god of ancient Israel and Judah. 40:3), and in another part of this book, Yahweh is even explicitly mentioned as being a smelter (Ezek. After the Babylonian Exile (6th century bce), and especially from the 3rd century bce on, Jews ceased to use the name Yahweh for two reasons. God has no shortage of names--He is called by almost 1000 different ones in the Bible. During the Second Temple Period (c.515 BCE-70 CE) Judaism was revised, the Torah canonized, and a new understanding of the divine established which today is known as monotheism the belief in a single deity. Nanshe was a goddess associated with the state of Lagash, Ninazu was a god regarded as either the son of. (Deuteronomy 32:8-9, Masoretic Text). Birtum was the husband of the prison goddess Nungal. The most important god in the Sumerian pantheon is An (known also as Anu to the Akkadians). World History Encyclopedia. It was the seat of government for Sargon the Great. Philip King and Lawrence Stager place the history of Yahweh into the following periods: Other academic terms often used include First Temple period, from the construction of the Temple in 957BCE to its destruction in 586BCE, exilic for the period of the Exile from 586539BCE (identical with Neo-Babylonian above), post-Exilic for later periods and Second Temple period from the reconstruction of the Temple in 515BCE until its destruction in 70CE. The character and power of Yahweh were codified following the Babylonian Captivity of the 6th century BCE and the Hebrew scriptures were canonized during the Second Temple Period (c. 515 BCE-70 CE) to include the concept of a messiah whom Yahweh would send to the Jewish people to lead and redeem them. The top 4 are: babylonians, mesopotamia, uruk and assyria. [41], Iron II saw the emergence of nation-states in the Southern Levant including Israel, Judah, Philistia, Moab, Ammon, Edom and Phoenicia. Omissions? Yahweh, name for the God of the Israelites, representing the biblical pronunciation of YHWH, the Hebrew name revealed to Moses in the book of Exodus. Your enemies shall come fawning to you, [37], Yahweh was originally described as one of the sons of El in Deuteronomy 32:89, but this was removed by a later emendation to the text. His wife is the earth goddess Ki. Borr Our publication has been reviewed for educational use by Common Sense Education, Internet Scout (University of Wisconsin), Merlot (California State University), OER Commons and the School Library Journal. Bitu's primary function is that of a gatekeeper (. Silili is an obscure goddess who was apparently the mother of all horses. Abraham's initial community was developed by his son Isaac and then his grandson Jacob (also known as Israel). Tweet. The overwhelming importance of the god of metallurgy reflects the central role played by the copper smelters in the emergence of civilizations throughout the ancient world. We have 73 individual gods listed in the Mesopotamian pantheon of gods and spirits. [42] Each kingdom had its own national god:[42] Chemosh was the god of the Moabites, Milcom the god of the Ammonites, Qaus the god of the Edomites, and Yahweh the god of Israel. He creates animals and human beings, destroys all in a great flood except Noah, Noah's family, and the animals Noah saves, and elects Abram (later known as Abraham) to lead his people to the land of Canaan and settle there (Genesis 1-25). Initially, the people of Canaan, including the Israelites, practiced a form of ancestor worship in which they venerated the god of the father or the god of the house, in addition to paying homage to their earthly ancestors, in an effort to establish individual tribal and family connections (van der Toorn, 177). Secondly, the only source I can find for Yah immediately is. Barbiere di Siviglia. [36] Although the Biblical account draws a clear distinction between Israelites and Canaanites in this period, and this was followed in early scholarship, the modern consensus is that there was no distinction in language or material culture between these groups and scholars accordingly define Israelite culture as a subset of Canaanite culture. Simut was an Elamite god associated with Mars, Umbidaki was a god worshiped in the temple of Ishtar of, Nintinugga, "mistress who revives the dead," worshiped in Ninlil's temple in Nippur, Ninisina, who in addition to her primary role was also the goddess of Isin. Pabilshag was a god whose worship is attested from the Early Dynastic Period onwards. In 1907, James Henry Breasted arrived and photographed the site but, again, engaged in no excavation. According to Sumerian poetry, the goddess Ninmah acted as a midwife. Beginning in the second millennium B.C., Babylonian theologians classified their major gods in a hierarchical numerical order. We contribute a share of our revenue to remove carbon from the atmosphere and we offset our team's carbon footprint. Ninmada was a god regarded as a brother of Ninazu. 4 3 299 Trey the Explainer @Trey_Explainer May 11, 2020 4. [5] The early Israelites were polytheistic and worshipped Yahweh alongside a variety of Canaanite gods and goddesses, including El, Asherah and Baal. An (in Sumerian), later known as Anu (in Akkadian), Enlil, later known as Ellil, is the god of wind, air, earth, and storms. (111). [66], Yahweh-worship was famously aniconic, meaning that the god was not depicted by a statue or other image. She was introduced in Mesopotamia in the Ur III period as an independent deity. Some Rights Reserved (2009-2023) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. [57][58] From these ideas, Second Temple Judaism would later emerge, whence Christianity, Rabbinic Judaism, and Islam. Dumuzi-abzu is a local goddess who was the tutelary goddess of Kinunir, a settlement in the territory of the state of Lagash. This identification had a long-lasting influence on Nanaya by introducing associations with the moon and archery. He was also associated with water, as he dwelt in Abzu, also spelled Apsu - the freshwater ocean believed to be beneath the earth. Erra is a warlike god who is associated with pestilence and violence. Ninegal or Ninegalla, known in Akkadian as Belet Ekallim. Firstly, Sumeria is in Mesopotamia. The oldest mention of Yahweh was long held to be the Moabite Stone (also known as the Mesha Stele) erected by King Mesha of Moab to celebrate his victory over Israel in c. 840 BCE. erua was an Assyrian goddess associated with Ashur. The Sumerian term Martu, also used as the gods' name, had a more vague meaning - "westerner." The god was envisioned as a tutelary deity of the Amorites by the Mesopotamians, and in texts he was a courtier or even son of the sky god An and his wife Urash. They said something about how Yahweh was derived from a Sumerian god named Yah, and a Mesopotamian god Weh. [70] The early supporters of this faction are widely regarded as being monolatrists rather than true monotheists;[71] they did not believe Yahweh was the only god in existence, but instead believed he was the only god the people of Israel should worship. Enkimdu is described as the "lord of dike and canal". From the sky the stars fought. He has taught history, writing, literature, and philosophy at the college level. Panigingarra was a god worshiped in Adab who was the son of Ninhursag and Shulpa'e. Amzallag notes that the Edomites, Kenites, Moabites, and Midianites all worshipped Yahweh to one degree or another and that there is evidence the Edomites who operated the mines at Timnah converted an earlier Egyptian temple of Hathor to the worship of Yahweh. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. In some myths and god lists, Anshar and Kishar are a primordial couple, who are male and female respectively. In this new age, the Israelites in Canaan sought to distance themselves from their neighbors in order to consolidate political and military strength and so elevated Yahweh above El as the supreme being and claimed him as their own. The Masoretes, who from about the 6th to the 10th century ce worked to reproduce the original text of the Hebrew Bible, added to YHWH the vowel signs of the Hebrew words Adonai or Elohim. [60] His worship presumably involved sacrifice, but many scholars have concluded that the rituals detailed in Leviticus 116, with their stress on purity and atonement, were introduced only after the Babylonian exile, and that in reality any head of a family was able to offer sacrifice as occasion demanded. TEXT CUT BOOK Keep Your Card in Tins Poilet Books will be issued only on presentation of proper library cards. Lugaldukuga was the father of Enlil in some traditions, Nammu is the primordial goddess who, in some Sumerian traditions, was said to have given birth to both An and, Ama-arhus (Nin-amaaruu; "(lady) compassionate mother") was a sparsely attested Mesopotamian divinity, explained as a title of the medicine goddess, Amasagnudi was the wife of Papsukkal in the god list, Amashilama was the daughter of Ninazu and his wife, Antu is a goddess who was invented during the. Rick's spiritual apathy is often represented in the depictions of these powerful beings and the devotion they inspire. Enki and Ninki were two primordial beings who were regarded as the first generation among the. Moses never reaches the promised land of Canaan himself owing to a misunderstanding he has with Yahweh in which he strikes a rock for water when he was not supposed to (Numbers 20) but he turns over leadership to his right-hand-man Joshua who then leads his people in the conquest of Canaan as directed by Yahweh. This article was most recently revised and updated by. [12] In these texts, he is often mentioned alongside traditional Graeco-Roman deities and Egyptian deities. Ishum was a popular, but not very prominent god. University of Washington Press, 1998. Nimintabba was a minor goddess who belonged to the entourage of Nanna, the tutelary god of Ur. Whoever Yahweh was originally, and however he was worshipped, today he forms the basis of the three great monotheistic religions of the world. 6:1-6). [45], Yahweh filled the role of national god in the kingdom of Israel (Samaria), which emerged in the 10th century BCE; and also in Judah, which emerged probably a century later[46] (no "God of Judah" is mentioned anywhere in the Bible). Lulal, also known as Latarak in Akkadian. Shulpa-e's name means "youthful brilliance". Ura is the earliest attested consort of Anu, as evidenced by Sumerian texts dating to the third millennium BCE. YHWH. Mami or Mama is a mother goddess whose name means "mother". The name Yahweh comes from the Hebrew word for "I am." When God met Moses at the burning bush and commanded him to go back to Egypt and lead the people out, Moses asked who he should say has sent him. The Sumerians regarded Inzak as the chief god of the Dilmunite pantheon. [54] In 539BCE Babylon in turn fell to the Persian conqueror Cyrus the Great, the exiles were given permission to return (although only a minority did so), and by about 500BCE the Temple was rebuilt. Essentially the supreme lord of all the gods and mortals according to Mesopotamian religion. Misharu ("justice") was a son of Adad and Shala. If you include nicknames, official titles and honorifics, some gods have hundreds of names! This fit with the theory that Yahweh was a desert god whom the Hebrews adopted in their exodus from Egypt to Canaan. Kulullu ("fish man") was an apotropaic creature depicted a centaur-like fish-man. Kus is a god of herdsmen referenced in the, Kusu was a goddess of purification, commonly invoked in Akkadian, Lagamar, whose name means "no mercy" in Akkadian. The Israelites remained a henotheistic people through the time of the Judges, which predates the rise of the monarchy, and throughout the time of the Kingdom of Israel (c.1080-c. 722). Though scholars know the Anunnaki as the gods of ancient Mesopotamia, fringe theorists believe they are ancient alien invaders from the planet Nibiru. Lugalbanda was an early legendary king of the Sumerian city-state of Uruk, who was later declared to be a god. [64], The Hebrew Bible gives the impression that the Jerusalem temple was always meant to be the central or even sole temple of Yahweh, but this was not the case. A woman of the Levite tribe among the Israelites hides her son and then sends him downriver in a basket to be found by pharaoh's daughter, who adopts him; this child is Moses (Exodus 2:1-10). Mammitum was one of the goddesses who could be identified as the wife of Nergal. An Eblaite goddess of pre-Semitic and pre-Hurrian origin. and you shall tread on their backs". Ea and Yah were the same name, representing the same god, and Yah, in turn, was the same god as Yahweh. Mark, published on 22 October 2018. He was known as the god of wisdom, magic, crafts, and healing. The Shasu (also given as Shashu) were a Semitic, nomadic people described as outlaws or bandits by the Egyptians and, in fact, they are named on the column of the temple at Soleb among Egypt's other enemies and appear later, in an inscription from the reign of Ramesses II (r. 1279-1213 BCE), as among the pharaoh's enemies at the Battle of Kadesh. "God said to Moses, 'I am who I am.' And he said, 'Say this to the people of Israel: "I am has sent me to you."' Yahweh. The three main gods were Ea (Sumerian: Enki), the god of wisdom and magic,. Sumerian God Weh. (394). the earth trembled, the sky also dropped. Retrieved from Ninkilim was a deity who was associated with mongooses, which are common throughout southern Mesopotamia. Amzallag compares the attributes of the Egyptian Ptah and the Mesopotamian Ea/Enki along with Napir of Elam, all gods of metallurgy (among their other attributes) with Yahweh and finds striking similarities. Geshtinanna was a rural agricultural goddess sometimes associated with. Many Greek transcriptions also indicated that YHWH should be pronounced Yahweh. In some cases, he was denoted as a consort of Nammu. Shara was a local deity associated with the city of Umma, where his main temple was the E-mah. Amzallag specifically cites the ancient copper mines of the Timna Valley (in southern Israel), biblical and extra-biblical passages, and similarities of Yahweh to gods of metallurgy in other cultures for support. Yahweh, name for the God of the Israelites, representing the biblical pronunciation of "YHWH," the Hebrew name revealed to Moses in the book of Exodus. Enslaved haben mit Heimdal vieles richtig gemacht und ein vielseitiges wie weitsichtiges Werk abgeliefert, trotz den erwhnten . Nanibgal was initially a title or alternate name of Nisaba, but eventually developed into a distinct goddess attested in the god list. In Isaiah 54:16, Yahweh is explicitly mentioned as the creator of both the copperworker and his workSuch an involvement of Yahweh is never mentioned elsewhere for other crafts or human activities. In his prophecies, Ezekiel describes a divine being as `a man was there, whose appearance shone like copper' (Ezek. Laguda was a god associated with the Persian Gulf. Mesopotamian God Names: Anu - "Sky," the chief god of the Babylonian pantheon Nergal - "Lord of the Underworld," the Babylonian god of death and disease Adad - "Thunder," the Babylonian god of storms and rain Ninhursag - "Lady of the Mountains," the Sumerian goddess of fertility and nature Many legendary characters have more than one name. Learn about the Hebrews, whom Moses led out of slavery in Egypt. Amzallag writes: An essential link between Yahweh and copper is suggested in the Book of Zechariah where the dwelling of the God of Israel is symbolized by two mountains of copper (Zech. Books Shaushka was a Hurrian goddess regarded as analogous to Ishtar ("Ishtar of, Shuqamuna and Shumaliya were a pair of Kassite gods regarded as the tutelary deities of the. While in texts from cities such as Nippur Ura was an earth goddess, in Dilbat it was the name of an unrelated male god, husband of Ninegal, who served as the city's tutelary deity. Rabbinic sources suggest that, by the Second Temple period, the name of God was pronounced only once a year, by the high priest, on the Day of Atonement.[15]. This is an apt description of the script, as it is easily recognized thanks to its wedge-shaped characters. Web. Enki, also known as Ea, was the Mesopotamian god of water and wisdom. Yahweh was an ancient Levantine deity that became the national god of ancient Israel and Judah. [77][78][79][80] In any event, Tacitus, John the Lydian, Cornelius Labeo, and Marcus Terentius Varro similarly identify Yahweh with Bacchus-Dionysus. "[14] The sacrality of the name, as well as the Commandment against "taking the name 'in vain'", led to increasingly strict prohibitions on speaking or pronouncing the term in writing. World History Encyclopedia, 22 Oct 2018. As it has been established they were a nomadic people, attempts have been made to link them with the Hebrews and with the Habiru, a group of renegades in the Levant, but these claims have been refuted. Allani, in Mesopotamia known as Allatum, was the Hurrian goddess of the underworld. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. The Canaanites, like all ancient civilizations, worshipped many gods but chief among them was the sky-god El. Cruda, funesta smania / Donizetti; Thine alone ; Ah, sweet mystery / Herbert; Zaz. The words at the top of the list are the ones most associated with sumerians, and as you go down the relatedness becomes more slight. Shuwala, the tutelary goddess of Mardaman, a city located in the north of modern Iraq, is attested in sources from the Ur III period. Nanna, Enzu or Zuen ("Lord of Wisdom") in Sumerian, later altered as Suen and Sin in Akkadian. The oldest mention of Yahweh dates to the reign of the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep III - 1386-1353 BCE. What are the seven gods of Mesopotamia? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. World History Publishing is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. Humhum was a minor god worshiped in Dr-arruku (also known as Sippar-Aruru) in northern Babylonia. Pazuzu is a demonic god who was well known to the Babylonians and Assyrians throughout the first millennium BC. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. ", "Kinship and Kingship: The early Monarchy", "The Rise of YHWH in Judahite and Israelite Religion", "Proposals for the Original Profile of YHWH", "Jewish Religious Life in the Persian Period", "Yahweh, the Canaanite God of Metallurgy? Shalash was the wife of the Syrian god Dagan. [9] [10] As such, cult statues were given constant care and attention [11] [9] and a set of priests were assigned to tend to them. Anunit She was the goddess of the moon and battle. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this content non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms. In 598 BCE they invaded Judah and sacked Jerusalem, destroying the temple of Solomon and taking the leading citizens back to Babylon. Dumuzi is also listed as having ruled as a king in both the Sumerian metropolis of Uruk and another Mesopotamian city called "Bad-tibira". Ningishzida is a god who normally lives in the Underworld. [82] In his Quaestiones Convivales, Plutarch further notes that the Jews hail their god with cries of "Euoi" and "Sabi", phrases associated with the worship of Dionysus. The name YHWH, consisting of the sequence of consonants Yod, Heh, Waw, and Heh, is known as the tetragrammaton. [47][48], In 9th century and the rejection of Baal worship associated with the prophets Elijah and Elisha the Yahweh-religion began to separate itself from its Canaanite heritage; this process continued over the period 800-500BCE with legal and prophetic condemnations of the asherim, sun-worship and worship on the high places, along with practices pertaining to the dead and other aspects of the old religion. In time, this practice evolved into worship of deities such as El, Asherah, Baal, Utu-Shamash, and Yahweh among others. These included El, the ruler of the pantheon,[39] Asherah, his consort, and Baal. Ereshkigal was the queen of the Mesopotamian Underworld. A freelance writer and former part-time Professor of Philosophy at Marist College, New York, Joshua J. [43][44] In each kingdom the king was also the head of the national religion and thus the viceroy on Earth of the national god. Mesopotamia is important because it witnessed crucial advancements in the development of human civilisation between 6000-1550 BC. Scholar Nissim Amzallag, of Ben-Gurion University, disagrees with the claim that Yahweh's origins are obscure and argues that the deity was originally a god of the forge and patron of metallurgists during the Bronze Age (c. 3500-1200 BCE). Annunitum ("the martial one") was initially an epithet of Ishtar, Asarluhi was originally a local god of the village of Kuara, which was located near the city of. [3] The origins of his worship reach at least to the early Iron Age, and likely to the Late Bronze Age if not somewhat earlier,[4] and in the oldest biblical literature he possesses attributes typically ascribed to weather and war deities, fructifying the land and leading the heavenly army against Israel's enemies. Family Religion in Babylonia, Syria and Israel: Continuity and Change A History of the Ancient Near East ca. It is a historic region of West Asia within the Tigris-Euphrates river system. Emesh is a farmer deity in the Sumerian poem. [6] In later centuries, El and Yahweh became conflated and El-linked epithets such as El Shaddai came to be applied to Yahweh alone,[7] and other gods and goddesses such as Baal and Asherah were absorbed into Yahwist religion. An Elamite goddess known from Susa who in Mesopotamia was regarded as analogous to Ishtar or. Contents 1Major deities 2Lesser deities 3Primordial beings 4Demigods and heroes 5Spirits and demons 6Legendary beasts Major deities Adador Ishkur - god of storms, venerated as a supreme power especially in Syriaand Lebanon Anshur- head of the Assyrianpantheon, regarded as the equivalent of Enlil For more information, please see our Mesopotamia was a geographical region, the many cultures that inhabited it (Sumerians included) collectively known as "Mesopotamians". Cookie Notice According to scholar Nissim Amzallag, however, Yahweh was a god of metallurgy. [12] Stormbringer Singlebrse #117. Ninurta, also known as Ningirsu, was a Mesopotamian warrior deity who was worshipped in Sumer from the very earliest times. [12] The archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Ouriel and Jewish cultural heroes such as Abraham, Jacob, and Moses are also invoked frequently. Adad - The mesopotamian Weather God. The reading of the name of this goddess, NIN.SAR (possibly to be understood as "Lady Herbs"), is uncertain, -ebarzida temple in Ur and other temples in, Ninsun was a goddess whose name can be understood as "lady of the wild cows.". During the night he traveled through the underworld and passed judgement on the dead. The temple was built by Amenhotep III (r. 1386-1353 BCE) and the reference to Yahweh established that this god was worshipped by another people long before the time when the events of the biblical narratives are thought to have taken place. In Mesopotamian texts, Dumuzi is described as the son of Enki, the god of water, and the brother of Geshtinanna, the goddess of agriculture and dream interpretation. That's a fairly meaningless distinction. The seven gods of Mesopotamia are: An, the supreme god, ancestor to all other deities, and personification of the sky; Enlil, god of air, wind, storms,. From their courses, they fought against Sisera. Moses mother was called Jochebed (Yokheved), a name based on the name Yahweh. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Anatu The name is derived from 'Anat,' the Semitic goddess of fertility and war and hunting. Ki was a Sumerian goddess who was the personification of the earth. Mesopotamian Gods Family Tree UsefulCharts 1.38M subscribers Subscribe 24K Share 1M views 1 year ago Watch Mythology with Mike's video about Ishtar: Thank you! Yahweh was one of the Egyptian gods: Yah, a god represented as a cow by whom she (the gender of the cow; the male is a bull) would be impregnated by Weh to form a son (not Jesus--he is an invention of the invading Apiru from India.
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