If you are one of those people who want to avail the benefits of scalar therapy but dont have all the information, then this blog is for you. Reduces pain and inflammation. Strengthens the Bio-field to an increased level, Overall risein attentiveness and clarity, - Comes in Many different Styles and Shapes, Buffers and Protects against EMF Damage (medium EMF Coverage). So simple to use - just plug it in to start the Solfeggio frequency cycle. Most people are aware of this now and are familiar with some of its sources such as worries about work, family, finances, and life in general. Scalar waves also help in energizing your bodys cells and overall functions of your body. Its a long and often grueling process and, unfortunately, sometimes doesnt work. Charlie Blanchard, one scalar user said I have been using Spooky2 Scalar for several months and gotten a lot of benefits, such as better and deeper sleep, more overall health, remarkable pain relief in bones, improving blood markers for cancer, clear head, and better moods. Once the blockages are removed, our body will restore the flow of Prana back to a healthy state. But scalar waves are actually a pretty straightforward part of everyday life for all of us. They are primal in that they are vibrating the very foundation of all life and so transmitting full power to the very root level of our issues and dis-ease. Scalar Energy: Limitless Potential To Heal The Human Body Call: 866-625-0087 The Science Behind Scalar Energy Miracle Balance May 24, 2019 Scalar Energy Reading Time: 3 minutes Scalar Energy has been found to promote healing in the body by subtle energy frequencies. However, my patient decided they wanted to try a less invasive approach to tackling this uncomfortable condition before proceeding with the surgery. required. He demonstrated the existence of scalar energy and harnessed it without using any wires or cables. All the features have been upgraded to the latest and fastest leading-edge versions available, improving overall responsiveness, accuracy, and repeatability in all areas of operation. They regulate all parts of your bodily system, and each of these has a direct correlation to a persons physical body. Our families on Facebookand Forum are open for you. These treatments incorporate three levels of healing: 1. It can induce scalar energy to your cells and offer your body much-needed energy. Tesla Energy are longitudinal 3-dimensional waves. To Find out more about these two Scalar Bracelets Click Below. Got a technical or other issue that needs input - here is the place to post it. In fact, its one of the most popular topics on our Pain Free For Life Blog and for a good reason! Email: support@spooky2scalar.com Phone: +86 25 57037030 Address: Room 2003, G-5 Building, Himalaya Business Centre G, Ningnan Street, Yuhuatai District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China 210022. I have just done my first glorious healing treatment with the QSB and it has already helped with with the stress levels, which is similar to a lot of us who have lost jobs, homes and family due to not being vaxxd. To that end, we offer a money-back guarantee on all of our products. Spooky2 Scalar is the best choice for you. I consider your entrainment programs quite strong and powerful! Its given me an inner joy that can only be felt to be believed. Scalar energy is said to promote healing in our bodies with the help of subtle energy frequencies. Have you ever heard about scalar energy? All Life Energy 2022 Life Energy Solutions. This enables it to run custom frequencies or custom sequences of frequencies. All NeuralSync recordings are infused with scalar waves/Zero-point energy. QSB Quantum Scalar Box. Well, I could feel some serious tingling going on in my ankle during treatment. If you have learned about scalar energy, please read on to find new hope for you and the one you love. We have already tried it out fantastic. Taking nine years of development the QSB is now. Slows aging. Reduces pain and inflammation. Scalar Qi is a revolutionary microcurrent accessory that is innovating the way we address stubborn health conditions. Well that is what the QSB is and that is what it will do! ", The videos are amazing, top-of-the-line, best-in-the-business. Please keep making these programs to help people. Our energy junkie cat soon found us and had to join in too. I actually had to build up a tolerance before I could listen to the full hour. Omg! Full instructions are included, with links to app downloads. ", This ultimate guide to scalar therapy contains all the important information you will need before opting for, Scalar energy is also known as scalar fields or Tesla fields due to Nicola Teslas interest in this particular subject. Some benefits of using the bracelet includes: Increased activity. You will notice in my tables that I frequently List Negative Ions and BFIT Infusion as criteria. Also, it seems that during both in-person meetings as well as telephone meetings, I seem to know exactly what to say and the proper response to each question that prospects and clients have, right away. More interestingly, I went to sleep after that and had my first non-accidental lucid dream. Energy and electricity can be used by professions like chiropractors or physical therapists to help stimulate muscles and promote healing. Quantum Shields nullify the harmful effects of EMF's Scalar Energy protects the bio-field and resonates at the cellular level. Hes smiling so I think he digs it as well. feeling of calmness. I get in a zone fast and stay there for hours after listening.". National Heart Month: The Top 3 Benefits of Nitric Oxide for Heart Health. Accelerates body metabolism and weight management. To learn more about the Schumann Resonances and why grounding is a vital step towards ultimate health and wellbeing, please read our blog, How Grounding Beats Stress. It is also nice to know that its infusion process is done in Canada and not in any poorer countries. We showed you briefly what stress will do to this the blood cells here are some pictures (below) of before and after when we tested this technology on a group of eight subjects now this is what this technology can do in just thirty minutes see how much stress there is in the blood this this sixteen-year-old male before and after look how that how individuated the cells are after just 30 minutes this represents complete distressing of the body this was the result or a similar result for everybody that took part in the test. Love what you do! To be able to just flick a switch at home and have an effective relaxation treatment in one hour each day is pretty awesome. In a sense, the use of scalar energy to enhance the effectiveness of nutritional products or create healing devices out of pendants and patches is an extension of that effectbut at the same time is an entirely different animal. There is plenty of information on this site for those new to this subject. Increase mental focus and brainwave coherence. 3. All rights reserved. Regenerative medicine focuses on your bodys ability to heal and assist itself. These frequencies span from 7.83Hz to 33.8Hz and have numerous health benefits. If you want to find out more about The Iyashi Wand and the other wands reviewed Click Below. The QSB is capable of being connected to a smartphone or tablet. And that will help to repair the damaged cells and the growth of healthy cells. Stress in the body is shown by clumping of the blood cells making the blood flow slow and inefficient. We use analog circuitry to ensure a pure signal, and the signal can be either molecular or frequency modulated using low or high frequencies. You can obtain protection and healing potential by wearing one of our Scalar Energy Products. Because the Evolution is the only microcurrent device on the market to feature FM RSI frequencies- an enhanced algorithm unavailable anywhere. ", "Absolutely fabulous product as always Tonya!!! Please enter key search to display results. I believe in your work and appreciate the high quality sound files. This let me know it was working. Using the Scalar Qi finally cleared away the cellular debris that was halting the healing process and provided me with an optimum treatment field that was ready to accept healing. Included in the Upgrade Pack is lifetime membership to a members-only forum, a place to share, where results will be compared, and knowledge expanded. Presidents' Day Sale That is pre-programmed with the solfeggio healing frequencies. It is very relaxing there is a faint buzzing sound which changes from time to time. When the body is in this completely de-stressed state true healing can take place. Scalar energy healing makes use of scalar waves to improve the overall wellness and health of individuals. We want you to rest assured that these devices are genuine, are high-quality, and work. Moreover, scalar waves are all around us and scalar-wave technology can help us form a transcendental healing experience. Some benefits of using the bracelet includes: It even heals annoying mosquito bites! AMAZING. Especially the sleep one, he says its the first one that really works and he has tried Kelly Howells and iAwakes and others, L. S. Praise for MANIFEST WEALTH, INTENSE FOCUS and DEEP RESTFUL SLEEP, As always, thank you so much for your help. These experiments and studies proved that this energy has the potential to positively improve the immune responses of human bodies. audio for the past week. To learn more about what scalar waves are, please read our blog, Scalar waves encompass a field and are longitudinal, Electromagnetic waves are transverse and travel like waves, Scalar waves are immediate and have no loss of power over immense distances, whereas electromagnetic waves lose power over distance, Scalar waves have the ability to pass through hard metal objects with no power loss; electromagnetic waves cannot, Increase brainwave coherence and mental focus, Balance both hemispheres of the brain (super-learning), Promote heightened states of creativity and awareness, Are thought to trigger a positive increase in immune function and promote detoxification, Promote greater levels of cellular energy, Increase the energy level of every single cell in your body to an ideal level, Regulate the intake of nutrients and elimination of waste from every cell in your body. The Scalar Wave Cosmic Communicator (SWCC) is our most advanced scalar wave producing device. This Ultimate Guide digs into some of the most common questions and concerns related to scalar energy healing with answers that are easy to understand and apply to your individual health conditions and circumstances. !, C. S. Praise for TRANSCENDENCE, THIRD EYE AWAKENING, ZEN TRANCE and WALK WITH GOD, I tried an intuition track last night and got a nice astral projectionI have tried all the WAVs I purchased and I like them alot., V.M. website. Proven effective, try it for yourself. This is becoming a growing trend as more people are turning to Zero Point Energy to improve their lives and well being. Scalar waves help in increasing every hydrogen atoms energy covalent level in the body. Just as removing the fallen tree from the river restored water flow. The results really surprised me!. It is basically the energy that remains when all other sources of energy are removed. It seems to be pictured upside down on the website! Treatment with electromagnetic therapy. Thank you., I have been using the Success! I have used Holosync and LifeFlow and recently used neuroVector, which is like a turbocharged version of bwe that leaves both of the previous ones behind. An expert in mathematics, Maxwell created two crucial theories that inform all subsequent research on scalar waves: electromagnetic radiation and electromagnetic fields. What is Scalar Energy? What is Scalar Energy? I can feel my physical tensions releasing, and my mind seems to go quiet with no inner voice. If you undergo this therapy with mindfulness, it can also help you improve other areas of your life and manage stress and anxiety. The incredible results weve seen in our practice and the success stories weve heard in our Pain Free For Life Support Group prove that scalar waves stand to revolutionize the way we treat severe health conditions. BFIT or (Biometric Frequency Infusion Technology): is used to target a highly specific range of frequencies that very few other Scalar Products can solve. Now there are plenty of people out there with advice for us as to what we can do about stress and some of it is good meditation is an obvious one massage is another this will help us remove the stress from thats locked up in our muscles so what if you could massage at a deeper level? It is generally accepted now that up to 80% of all our illness is directly related to stress and stress can actually be seen in the blood using a high-powered microscope if you look at this picture here you see how all the blood cells are clumped together this is a classic illustration of stress in the human body. Theyre often referred to when talking about quantum physics, but the main point to keep in mind is that these waves are a natural form of energy thats shaped like an hourglass. The QSB provides scalar (life) energy/Zero-point energy and has the Solfeggio Healing Frequencies in-built. Needless to say, Im a huge fan of yours and of your work!, H. R. D. B. Increase the energy covalent level of every single hydrogen atom in the body as verified by . By the Simple to use just plug it in to start the Solfeggio frequency cycle. Puharich concluded that this energy could enhance both endocrine and immune systems. The old methodology of treating the symptoms of dis-ease is being rapidly being replaced by more informed thinking. . Also, Ive always appreciated your most thoughtful and detailed correspondences that weve exchanged in the past. Using scalar wave therapy with regenerative healing boosts other healing protocols like adequate nutrition, stress reduction, and quality sleep. By the way, I am loving my QSB, am sleeping better, have more energy and have a feeling of calmness. Not that anyone else's was bad, but yours is by far the best. ", "Thank you very much TonyaI think your recordings are working, I remember my dreams and I can see what my subconscious mind is working on. ", "Ive been struggling and this honestly raised my energy but my dog wasnt sure if he liked it or not. I sprained my ankle quite badly coming down the stairs the other week. In the field of medicine, scalar waves for healing are ideal because medically scalar energy can break down any molecular bonds of fungi and bacteria. Unclumps blood cells. This energy is generated naturally but it can also be artificially produced. Some benefits include: To test the functionality of this pendant I wore it during one of my workouts. Here are four ways in which electromagnetic waves and scalar waves differ: Scalar energy is produced when two electromagnetic waves from two opposing paths ultimately converge. My friend who has Crones disease is gong to come over next week and give it a try. Apart from feeling so peaceful throughout, I noticed my tongue was tingling a lot through it and I could taste plastic (which is classic detox sign in healing) lots of random tummy pain that disappeared as quick as they appeared. Constantly being immersed in scalar energy from The Quantum Tesla iQube will help re-pattern your brain so that you can meditate like a Zen master Raises Your Vibration The Quantum Tesla iQube transforms your home and your life so that you relax more, focus better, and have more empowerment Scalar waves are three-dimensional self-contained waves that spin on one fixed axis. ", "I have been listening to it since I've recovered from COVID two months ago. Ensuring optimal success and efficacy of your Scalar Qi starts with the right microcurrent generator so dont miss this important step. Thousands of users have received relief from fatigue and become energized after sitting or lying in the scalar field . ), Please kindly know that Ive been practicing almost daily your audios that I purchased last Februaryand I can tell you that your technologies have helped make a profound and positive impact in my lifeand Im very thankful to you for that. They are created to address different areas of concern and there are many available. The Quantum Scalar Box is the new paradigm in de-stressing, and complete healing. The nervous system is extremely sensitive to things called electromagnetic . Scalar Waves: Maximize nutrient uptake and cellular detoxification. How amazing it is!. On top of this all of us carry stress in our bodies from trauma that we experienced in our formative years and scientists have discovered that stress can actually be passed down generation to generation in your DNA so things such as a war will have knock-on effects for many generations to come. Add to this the stress which we carry from traumatic events in our formative years and even stress passed down in our genes from our forbearers' traumas (scientists have shown that this can pass down as many as four generations), we are walking time-bombs in terms of failing health. Increase the energy level of body to the ideal 70-90 millivolt range. ), A lot of cancer patients report that they achieve great success after using Spooky2 Scalar. Here we will share knowledge on a day to day basis. One of our users said that he can save about $25,000 a month using Spooky2 Scalar instead of going to hospital. You can use this kit to improve your energy level and balance your chakras. A relatively new toxic invader has already overtaken most other environmental stressors to become the number one stressor of our generation. We like to use this analogy to simply explain: Think of an old desktop computer that is limping along running slower than ever. These experiments and studies proved that this energy has the potential to, Scalar waves are three-dimensional self-contained waves that spin on one fixed axis. But heres the problem we ran intoevery few days, the hernia would spring back up, and it wasnt decreasing in size at all. Scalar waves have a potential for increasing energy and reversing aging. I currently own eleven of them and still going! Scalar energy healing also helps in cleansing your blood cells that helps your cells function better and at full strength. 1 Welcome to Scalar4Health.com! You wont need to use a microscope to feel the stress melting away. In this section we have reviewed the, These negative Ion bracelets help you boost your energy and your long term health through negative ion technology. The main background is the soft sound of rain, but there are also obviously additional frequencies favorably affecting the psyche. Proven effective, try it for yourself. "I have recommended you to many, many people! Dont get me wrong,these programs have their good qualities and are effective in bringing about a positive state of mind after all, its only because we have issues to resolve that we turn to these entrainment methods. This is to say thanks for a great experience with your audios. The apps are preloaded with a range of frequencies to experiment with. to just go and tell a lot of people and hurt other people's business who are creating these, I will let people find through their own way of working thru their karma and get to your How Scalar Energy Works in The Body. Additionally, it contains circles of energy that radiate outwards in balanced networks, which help in creating a field of live energy systems. But we need help, the QSB is perfect for this. Thus, Tesla is often called the father of scalar waves, and to this day, scalar waves are also known as Tesla waves.. What Makes the Scalar Wave Laser Unique The Scalar Wave Laser incorporates a variety healing technologies into an ultra-portable healing device, enabling you to transform pain, stress, limiting emotions, and otherwise problematic cell memories. Sometimes I fall asleep and need to have it turned off for me, or I just keep on sleeping (for 12 hours the first time! $ 1,199.00. No matter what one would like to call it, the application of this energy is intertwined into both Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Mechanics. It is now widely accepted scientifically that EVERYTHING is made of energy, which has led many experts to agree that the future of medicine is vibrational. Great stuff! So far we have reviewed the Bio Magnetic Energy bracelet as well as theIyashi Scalar Bracelet. I got more evidence of that this morning when I went to church and was moved in a way I am normally not. Spooky2 Scalar is the first scalar treatment device to provide three different methods of transmitting healing scalar waves: pure scalar, molecular scalar and Rife scalar. Sign up to keep updated with our new arrivals, special offers, and more! . Note: Spooky2 Scalar Harmony is an accessory designed for Spooky2 Scalar units. It was the first astral projection that I was comfortable with. Spooky2 Scalar is the most effective and safe scalar treatment system available today. ), and sometimes I just seem to lie in a zen state for an hour but not actually asleep. Thank you for the very prompt delivery of our QSB!! It also helps in neutralizing harmful man-made electromagnetic frequencies and radiations that are associated with the human body. Health & Wellbeing, It is very relaxing there is a faint buzzing sound which changes from time to time. I would recommend NeuralSync to anyone looking for a clear, brightly energetic state of mind, a calm intuitiveness that knows not only when to attend to things, but what proportion of effort is According to many scientific studies, scalar energy benefits humans, animals, and plants. The solfeggio frequenciesare built right into the QSB, so that as soon as you plug it in they start to play, not as a healing musical scale, but as frequency which is much more potent and powerful. A Tesla-inspired Vibrational Healing and De-Stress Device which is unique to Life Energy Solutions - there is nothing else like it available today. Global community for researchers using Spooky2 Scalar & Rife system. The Scalar Qi is a true Scalar device, generating a Zero Point Field by utilizing two Tesla coils inside of it. As a woman in my seventies, they can take a little longer. The Scalar Qi allows you to create an ideal environment for recovery. I got more evidence of that this morning when I went to church and was moved in a way I am normally not. . But because of its lack of mainstream popularity, quite a lot of people are missing out on benefiting from it. The QSB is backed by our 30day money back guarantee. After using Spooky2 Scalar for three months, the doctor said that cancer on my sisters lung was 70% reduced and the water in the lungs was totally gone. I have been using binaural beats for years and this has to be one of the best programs I have ever experienced. To learn more about zero-point energy, why it is so crucial for healing and regeneration, and how to use our Scalar technology, we suggest checking out our e-Book, Scalar Waves: Zero Point Fields and Your Health. Inspired by the work of Nikola Tesla The Quantum Scalar Box has been developed by David Slinger and is now made in New Zealand by Life Energy Designs Ltd. My heart chakra is definitely open more than ever before. If you are sick, please consult your chosen qualified health-care practitioner. With Scalar Harmony, you can now receive soothing musical tones and meditative beats via scalar energy for a more refreshing experience. In addition, well be unveiling free resources and links to where you can buy scalar healing technology all in one place. Tesla expounded upon Maxwells discovery and referred to this energy as universal waves or standing energy [2]. Anything that assists with healing at theroot,or causal level has two basic components energy and frequencies (information). How do we know scalar waves exist and what their shape is if they are invisible? (Note: Get more details about how to apply scalar energy from here.). $ 1,600.00 - $ 1,769.00 Spooky 2 Scalar is the first scalar device to provide three different methods of transmitting scalar waves: pure scalar, molecular scalar, and Rife scalar. Enhances body circulation. Here we will share knowledge on a day to day basis. Scalar therapy helps you improve your immune system and its functioning. Before I had your product I was generally a grumpy moody person. Scalar waves are all around us. They are distinct energy centers, starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of the head. It is also capable of producing custom frequencies. Scalar wave technology has many benefits and healing properties such as: They help increase the energy that holds hydrogen bonds of DNA together and also prevents damage to them. I wouldnt mind trying a couple of others, after following the protocol needed for these. Start Here! Here are some health benefits of scalar energy: Increases cell energy. Subsequently, It provides us with a fresh canvas for healing purposes. Praise for UNLIMITED CONFIDENCE AND SELF LOVE, The state Zen Trance creates is amazing!, Its one of the few that I can listen to for hours. Tesla endeavored to bring scalar energy to the mainstream by positing that scalar energy is one of natures primal forces because it is free, renewable, and exists everywhere just like air. This Quantum Light Wave Energy Device is able to penetrate up to 11 inches into the body down to the bone stimulating stem cells without damaging living tissue and DNA. No thinking, just a great response. As I mentioned, I have used radionics and brain entrainment for more than two decades, so while the experience was intense for about 5 hours (at which time it dissipated) I also knew that it was working. But you play these frequencies all together the overall effect is it completely de-stresses the body. Scalar waves help in increasing every hydrogen atoms energy covalent level in the body. Grounding, also known as earthing is a therapeutic technique that allows you to practice activities that ground or electrically reconnect individuals to the earth. As we'll find, scalar energy is just another use of healing energy. Scalar therapy helps you improve your immune system and its functioning. You can also perform a scalar biofeedback scan of your body and get the appropriate frequency that your body needs. You can also perform a scalar biofeedback scan of your body and get the appropriate frequency that your body needs. "Absolutely fabulous product as always Tonya!!! Your generosity is greatly appreciated, and what's more, it's heartening to know that Kindness and Integrity are not antiquated qualities. Includes: 1 x QSB, 1x Universal Power Supply, Instructions. This ultimate guide to scalar therapy contains all the important information you will need before opting for scalar waves for healing and will better equip you in using this method as per your needs. Thanks and nice work, really enjoying them! Electromagnetic waves cannot pass through solid metal objects without the loss of power but scalar waves do so easily. With a QSB You wont need to use a microscope to feel the stress melting away. You can also put the drugs of cancer on the Receiver coil and your body will receive the benefits of the drugs. ", "I just bought the sleep / healing track and had a positive experience on my first listen. The Iyashi Scalar Pendant is definitely a looker but more importantly it gives off all the same healing properties which you would come to expect from a Scalar Pendant. Scalar Energy Healing Devices. The QSB generates scalar waves. However over about a month of continual use, the effects became more profound. The old methodology of treating the symptoms of dis-ease is being rapidly being replaced by more informed thinking. Relieves high blood pressure. This is the best non-drug solution for your body healing. Check out the blood cell analysis results below. If you are sick, please consult your chosen qualified health-care practitioner. It brings together various healing concepts from chemistry, genetics, medicine, and biology, to provide innovative solutions for treating severe health conditions. This is unfortunate because people who are aware of the existence of scalar energy and its benefits find it to be one of the best scientific discoveries. ", "Hi, great programs having also used Holosync and Brainwave over the years. Harvey Sweeney: My salivary gland tumor has miraculously disappeared after using Spooky2 Scalar, Jaime Tacher: My unbelievable healing journey with Spooky2 Scalar, Masaki Miyagawa: 4 Big Reasons Why I Choose Spooky2 Scalar. [4] Most importantly, these Schumann Resonances help you balance out your bodys electrical potential which keeps your cells functioning. In this section we have reviewed the Iyashi Zero Point Energy Scalar Wand, AMega AM Global Wand and theLife Energy Designs Healing Wand. Spooky2 Scalar GX Pro Essential Kit provides a full scalar system for the healing scalar energy and scalar biofeedback scan. In my experience, hernias are always a complicated case because you need to get the organ back in place and then heal the area enough so it holds. To see reviews on the Iyashi Scalar Pendant, Iyashi Negative Ion Scalar Energy Pendant and Life Energy Designs Scalar Crystal Jewellery.
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