d. florid Separate subject-matter committees in each house of Congress that handle bills in different policy areas. d. immediately after an election, Whose job is it to convey the party's position to rank-and-file congresspersons, keep vote counts, pressure waverers, and report the views and complaints of the House to the party leadership? c. secretary of state Congressional staff - Wikipedia In the House of Representatives, who is second in authority to the Speaker of the House? Democrats tend to cluster in the urban areas of the United States. Which of the following is an advantage congressional incumbents posses in seeking reelection over challengers? d. politico model of representation FOIA Library. a. What was the actual purchase price per square foot of wood? Brown v. Board of Education the constitution. Which of the following statements about congressional oversight are accurate? Label the following behaviors by members of Congress as either an example of a distributive or informational theory of committees. Actual costs incurred in the production of 50,00050,00050,000 units were as follows: Directlabor:$211,900for13,000hoursDirectmaterial:$170,100for210,000kilograms\begin{array}{ll} What is the vice president's only constitutionally defined job? c. the Supreme Court The following is a set of data from a sample of n=5: 7-5-879 What's in It for Me?: The Impact of Congressional Casework on Incumbent This suggests a failure of __________. a. libertarian b. diverse c. collegial d. homogeneous d. homogeneous This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. bill A proposed law, drafted in precise, legal language. d. Incumbents only leave office when pressured by party leadership. The frequency of party votes in the House roughly matches the frequency of party votes in the Senate. c. whip One challenge to congressional casework is the widely held public perception that Members of Congress can initiate a broad array of actions resulting in a speedy, favorable outcome. Quiz 4 - Ch.6 Flashcards | Quizlet Gains from trade impeachment Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. d. Having clear policy positions makes it harder to attract campaign contributions from interest groups. The candidates themselves and the important local issues, apart from party affiliation, were important drivers in congressional elections. Want to cite, share, or modify this book? | Overhead spending variance | 210 Unfavorable | b. b. constitutional f(-2); f(-2.01) After the census, the United States goes through the __________ process, in which congressional seats are allotted to each state according to its proportion of the population. c. minority leader e. seniority within the congress. d. omnibus, The vice president of the United States is the ceremonial leader of the Senate, but he or she has little real leadership responsibilities. Many potential challengers never run because of the size of the incumbent's campaign funds. The principle partisan ally of the Speaker of the House or the party's wheel horse in the Senate. What is the typical trajectory of a bill in the House of Representatives? making a speech that supports gun carry rights, an issue supported by constituents by increasing jobs and revenue with federally funded projects. d. impeachment b. Submit a Request. How have Americans rated members of Congress in recent years? are licensed under a, Who Governs? Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Even House members of the same party in the same state will occasionally disagree on issues because of the different interests of their specific districts. b. the president Defense department Congress members do casework, which means, they troubleshoot for people from their home district or state who request help in dealing with the federal government. All the members of a political party in the House or Senate will meet to select its leaders and approve committee assignments. a. majority leader a. helping a constituent qualify for federal benefits (credit: "Steve Scalise 116th Congress official photo" by US House Office of Photography/Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain). In the 2020 election cycle, for example, super PACs spent just over $2 billion dollars and raised about $1.3 billion more.16. d. Chief of Staff b. representing the interests of groups of which they themselves are not members Or case-worker, case worker [ keys-wur-ker ] high school level noun a person who does casework. __________ is a good example of Congressional casework. Modern presidents are considerably less democratic than the Framers originally intended. b. to represent the president at official state functions The ability of members of Congress to send noncampaign material to their constituents free of charge. a. The historical difficulty of unseating an incumbent in the House or Senate is often referred to as the incumbent advantage or the incumbency effect. e. vice president, According to the Constitution, how is the president supposed to be elected? Match personnel, infrastructure, and funding to current missions, future missions, and population demand. How might "pork" or "pork barrel" legislation aid citizens in the district of a member of Congress? In a congressional office, the term casework refers to the response or services that Members of Congress provide to constituents who request assistance. The ______ makes the laws and the ______ interprets them. c. deferential What Is Casework In Government - askinghouse.com a. to look after the "Good and the Welfare of We the People" a. attorney general The leader of the Senate responsible for the brunt of the work of the Chapter Exam - global.oup.com The mighty list of federal projects grants, and contracts available to cities, businesses, colleges, and institutions available in a congressional district. e. The White House staff has more specialized policy knowledge than the Cabinet. These laws made it illegal for politicians to solicit contributions from civil service workers, made corporate contributions illegal, and required candidates to report their fundraising. Incumbents often have a much higher level of name recognition. The House of Representatives has developed a stronger and more structured leadership than the Senate. In general, this is true. e. name recognition and access to district taxes, A congressional representative tries to mirror perfectly the views of his or her constituents, according to the __________. The amount of money they raise against their challengers demonstrates their advantage. d. homogeneous, A __________ is a group of members of Congress who share some interest or characteristic; its goal is to promote the interests around which it is formed. Which of the following processes apply to the House but not the Senate? The nuclear option replaced _____ to end filibusters. Congress can override the veto to make a bill a law. e. quickly and efficiently, Packing and cracking both draw district lines to the favor of the majority party, and thus, are two types of __________. As the parties have pulled apart ideologically, they also have become more _________ internally. Article I of the Constitution But in the political environment of 2014, when conservative voices around the country criticized the party for ignoring the people and catering to political insiders, his strengths became weaknesses. c. Political Action Committee a. mandamus c. granting pardons | Usage | 3 square feet per stand | b. three-year The House of Representatives decided that, beginning in 1910, its upper limit would be __________ members. d. 35; 14. The 117th Congress was elected in November 2020. b. as a leader of the Cabinet e. Temporal, What best explains the overwhelming advantage incumbents possess in seeking reelection over opposition candidates? a. five c. Select 11.2 Congressional Elections - American Government 3e - OpenStax Before proceeding, turn back to the prologue about master chess-players Stockfish and the more sophisticated AlphaZero. Voters who favor a particular party in a presidential election are now much more likely to also support that same party in House and Senate elections than was the case just a few decades ago. Earmarks are funds provided by the Congress for specific projects or programs in such a manner that the allocation (a) circumvents a merit-based or competitive allocation process; (b) applies to a very limited number of individuals or entities; or (c) otherwise curtails the ability of the Executive Branch to independently manage the agency budget. b. \text{}&\underline{\textbf{Debit}}&\underline{\textbf{Credit}}\\ Please include all pertinent information and claim numbers in your . a. as an advisor in the policy-making process What does the elastic clause of the Constitution allow Congress to do? Creative Commons Attribution License The White House staff has greater access to and more influence on the president than the Journalize Paramount Co.s entries to record (a) the purchase. Casework Assistance Typically, casework involves individuals, groups with a common concern, or small businesses, and can include a problem, grievance, question of eligibility, need, or other tangible interest or benefit to these groups. Congressional Quarterly U.S. Senate U.S. House Agency About HUD Secretary of HUD Program Offices No Fear Act Press Room Office of Inspector General Resources Resources A-Z Index Customer Experience FOIA PDF Reader Agency About HUD Secretary of HUD Program Offices No Fear Act Press Room Office of Inspector General Resources Resources A-Z Index How much longer should the Sun remain in its stable phase? d. Thomas Jefferson d. A member holds a marginal seat if he or she was elected with with less than 55 percent of the vote. assistance to a constituent in obtaining a Social Security check. | Direct materials price variance | $\33$ Unfavorable | The Oversight Function of Congress | Boundless Political Science After printing the report, his computers hard drive crashed, effectively destroying most of the actual results for the month. when members of Congress secure national resources for their local district What describes symbolic representation? Congressional committees on a few subject-matter areas with membership drawn from both houses. 1971 Senate Democrats, 1959 Senate Republicans, 1931 House of Representatives Democrats, 1943 House of Representatives Republicans. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. A group of members of Congress sharing some interest or characteristic. They serve __________-year terms. a. arbitration A storage tank acquired at the beginning of the fiscal year at a cost of $240,000 has an estimated residual value of$30,000 and an estimated useful life of 25 years. In which capacity is a modern vice president particularly influential in American politics? b. a. African Americans a. to advise the president on national security c. judiciary Favors and other forms of assistance that members of Congress provide to their constituents. Information for Congressional Offices Constituents often write to their congressional representatives when experiencing difficulties navigating the Federal bureaucracy. c. The president must inform Congress of actions potentially leading to war. Congressional Budget Office Over the past three decades, the distance between the political parties in Congress has been growing steadily. Which statement about incumbency is most accurate? Because of their longer six-year terms, they will see every member of the House face constituents multiple times before they themselves are forced to seek reelection. Republicans meet to select leaders and determine objectives. This book uses the c. five a. What happened? One of many ways the president can influence Congress is by __________. Freedom of Information Act. What is the name of the provision in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, giving Congress implied powers not otherwise enumerated? c. capias This is an age-old strategy for success in office and elections. c. Logrolling c. franking privileges When it comes time to vote, name recognition is one of the primary benefits of incumbency, especially in more obscure races. Until 2010, it also limited advertisements run by unions and corporations thirty days before a primary and sixty days before a general election.14 The FECs enforcement of the law spurred numerous court cases challenging it. Members of Congress use the media to help focus attention on problems when holding hearings. A popular presidential candidate helps Congressional party members get elected. The term "casework" refers to assistance provided by members of Congress to constituents who need help while filing a grievance with the federal government or a federal agency. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. e. standing, In the trustee style of representation, the representative __________. The slow nature of policy-making in Congress is the result of which of the following? \text{ Direct labor: } & \text{ Direct material: } \\ He can also choose to do nothing. b. Stressing policy positions can make enemies as well as friends. This means the functional decision in these elections occurs during the primary, not in the general election. When performing casework, congressional staff cannot force an agency to expedite a case or act in favor of a constituent. \end{array} c. impeachment How are committee chairs selected in the House? Why do members of Congress think casework is important? d. They did not allow the president to have military responsibility. Unearned rent of $4,000 was earned prior to August 31. a. briefs Congress has never removed a president from office. b. executive privilege What is an example of congressional casework? a. Final Decisions Reading Room. It had never been a problem before the mid-1990s, when a number of very imaginative political operatives developed a great many ways to spend this money. Conference b. colloquium Equal Opportunity and Diversity Management. \textbf{DEATH VALLEY RESORT}\\ - Two members of Congress support each other's legislation. If the market is not good, he will sell only 400 copies at $70\$ 70$70 each. What are caseworkers in Congress? - Ufoscience.org e. the people, Which of the following is within the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court? b. the Supreme Court c. lobbying DOC AP Government Chapter 12 Notes: The Congress - Richmond County School We discussed language, describing the components of grammar and tracing language development in children. Challengers typically have a less-refined home style. In addition to U.S. citizenship and age, the requirements for serving in Congress include residency in the represented state and a bachelor's degree. The Senate must approve certain executive appointments. The Constitutional Convention decided on what form of legislature? Another important reform occurred in 2002, when Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Russell Feingold (D-WI) drafted, and Congress passed, the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA), also referred to as the McCain-Feingold Act. Modern presidents have less power as leaders of their political parties than the Framers d. reapportionment The majority leader is responsible for scheduling bills, influencing committee assignments, and rounding up votes in behalf of the party's legislative positions. An artist has captured the experience in a drawing and is hoping to reproduce it and sell framed copies to current and former residents. d. Each congressional party has become more homogeneous, and the distance between parties has increased. The bill must be reintroduced in the next session of Congress. a. concurring Common congressional casework requests include tracking a misdirected benefits payment; helping to fill out a government form; applying for Social Security, veterans', education, and other federal benefits; explaining government activities or decisions; applying to a . Each year, thousands of constituents turn to Members of Congress with a wide range of requests, from the simple to the complex. Were the winds of change blowing for incumbents? | Overhead volume variance |60 Favorable | A large percentage of congressional districts across the country are safe seats in uncompetitive districts, meaning candidates from a particular party are highly likely to consistently win the seat. Which of the following statements about residential patterns in the United States is most accurate? Congress determines when judicial salaries can be lowered. We recommend using a Election history has demonstrated that this form of publicity is very effective in garnering the support of voters. the death of diplomats at the American Embassy in Benghazi. d. $1 billion, How are Senate committee chairs generally selected? $$, Define the following term in a short sentence. a. appointment through Congress e. Ways and Means Committee, Bicameralism conformed to the framers' belief that the legislative branchthe center of policymaking for governmentought to be a place where the public's business is deliberated __________. Voters in large numbers were motivated by the political and economic disaster of the war to vote for politicians they believed would end it (Figure 11.10). e. twenty-year, What is the name given to the power of the courts to interpret, and overturn, the actions of the executive and legislative branches? True or False: If AW>0A W>0AW>0, then PW>0P W>0PW>0, and FW>0F W>0FW>0. d. have members appointed by incumbent senators If members of Congress are motivated by gaining reelection (the electoral connection), which of the following behaviors help them connect with voters? d. is trusted to consult the proper committees in deciding how to vote on an issue b. All federal judicial nominations are first referred to which of the following for a hearing? Another handful of reform attempts were therefore pushed through in the wake of World War II, but then Congress neglected campaign finance reform for a few decades. | Direct materials quantity variance | 0 | Such PACs tended to be run by businesses and other groups, like the Teamsters Union and the National Rifle Association, to support their special interests. What is congressional casework? - Wisdom-Advices Create enhanced value in military medical markets using an integrated approach in 5-year business plans. PDF U.S. Department of Labor b. to create a strong national leader who would have direct ties to state governors All things being equal, voters are far more likely to select the name of the person they recall seeing on television and hearing on the radio for the last few years than the name of a person they hardly know. Cantors ambition, political skill, deep connections to political insiders, and ability to come out squeaky clean after even the dirtiest political tussling should have given him a clear advantage over any competitor. A traditional PAC is an organization designed to raise hard money to elect or defeat candidates. He criss-crossed the country helping other Republican candidates in their own races. c. executive order Casework: Activities of members of congress that help constituents as individuals; cutting through bureaucratic red tape to get people what they think they have a right to get. d. Incumbents only leave office when they are involved in a scandal, a. Incumbents have a significant reelection advantage. In the conventional method of passing legislation, where does a bill go after it is introduced in the House? c. Council of Economic Advisers d. appropriations, Congress missed the fact that various agencies with responsibility for supervising the banking industry were negligent in identifying looming financial problems that led to the recession of 2008-2009. A group of members of Congress sharing some interest or characteristic. All evidence suggests the incumbent advantage, especially in the primary system, is alive and well. originally intended. Secretary of the Treasury Incumbents attract more money because people want to give to a winner. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". 21 Incumbent members of Congress have paid staff, influence, and access to specialized information that can help their constituents in ways \text{Utilities Expense}&\text{\hspace{16pt}9,400}&\text{}\\ In the House, the percentage of incumbents winning reelection has hovered between 85 and 100 percent for the last half century. d. women. 6 Advantages and Disadvantages of Incumbency - ConnectUS c. The conflict is a by-product of the recent polarization of the American party system. The 3 major responsibilities for members of Congress are making laws, doing casework, and helping the District or State. The rules of the House and laws and regulations governing federal executive agency activities, however, closely limit interventions made on the behalf of constituents. a. Chishom v. Georgia (The mortgage was taken out August 1. The term for the 117th Congress begins in January 2021. Caseworker - Wikipedia This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. If you are redistributing all or part of this book in a print format, You manage a $9 million indexed equity portfolio. d. outsider e. replacing Cabinet heads, What is an executive order? a. majority leader Veto is a law or bill that is stopped and the bill goes back to Congress to be voted on. It does not store any personal data. a. c. House Ways and Means Committee d. Speaker, Most of the work of Congress goes on in __________. d. Speaker b. president pro tempore c. $200 million In a congressional office, the term casework refers to the response or services that Members of Congress provide to constituents who request assistance. investigations of the executive branch and government agencies by Congress. By 2020, those values had shot to $2.4 million and $27.2 million (Figure 11.7).12 Raising this amount of money takes quite a bit of time and effort. e. trial, Federal judges are appointed to __________ terms. increasing jobs and revenue with federally funded projects, Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole, Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry. 7 How does casework help members of Congress? e. legislative, Once appellate decisions are published, they become __________ that guide the decisions of other judges in the same circuit. In a lot of cases, constituents don't know how to get help if they have an issue relating to federal government services or a problem with federal programs. Lawmaking The primary function of Congress is to pass rules that all Americans must obey, a function called lawmaking. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". It is more descriptively representative of women than the House. Congressional elections may be increasingly driven by national issues. Which of the following leadership abilities is critical to presidential success? But more important is the way the party system itself privileges incumbents. Political scientists have taken note of some voting patterns that appear to challenge this common assumption, however. Residents of the 6th Congressional District of Alabama can contact us for assistance in dealing with Federal agencies. a. Congressional committees formed when the Senate and the House pass a particular bill in different forms. Congressional Budget Office This has caused many to wonder whether the amount of money in politics has truly become a corrupting influence. But his weakness wasnt that he was unable to play the political game. c. While members of Congress have not become more extreme, ordinary citizens have. Which of the following best describes the representation of women and minorities in Congress? | Direct materials: Wood | | b. laws Because its members serve short, two-year terms, they must regularly answer to the demands of their constituency when they run for election or reelection. They introduce bills, work on committees, listen to input for and against bills, and then vote. An accountant for Anton just completed the variance report for the current month. by fulfilling the congressional casework function or bringing money for mass transit to the district, for . Debate can be stopped by invoking __________, which requires a vote by at least __________ senators. What makes the Iraq War different is that the overwhelming majority of voters had little to no intimate connection with the conflict and were motivated to vote for those who would end it. a. satisfying constituents and supporting party positions. a. Chapter 11 Flashcards | Quizlet c. give the Senate authority to overturn a Supreme Court decision when House seats are reallocated according to the population, Special committees formed to solve disputes in House and Senate versions of a bill, Well-established committees that legislate particular policy areas, A committee appointed to solve a problem not suited for regular committee, House-Senate committees formed to coordinate activities and expedite legislation. Ways and means c. federal c. judicial review Introduction to American Politics Chapter 13, Introduction to American Politics Chapter 14, PS 101- Chapter 12, The Presidency- INQUIZITI, Science ~ Cells and Organelles Study Guide, chapter 6 gaining an understanding of the cli.