In fact, the CDC considers lack of sleep a public health infection. (paragraph 4, sentence 1) While awaiting deportation proceedings, my parents remained in detention near Boston, so I could visit them. Should the writer make this addition after sentence 13 ? A. support the claim that her parents' absence affected her during her adolescence. Look at each paragraph. They see it as goofing off. Which of the following best explains the author's use of the qualifier "probably" in the first sentence of the seventh paragraph? In the first sentence of the passage, the clause set off by dashes ("she adopted . Which of the following choices best accomplishes this goal? In the second paragraph, the sentences "Throughout my childhood . We can say that a well-structured paragraph is the essence of good writing. Make sure to read that article if you have trouble setting up the structure for a text. Lights were on and dinner had been started, but my family wasn't there. I consider myself lucky because things turned out better for me than for most, including some of my own family members. It is a very important form of writing as we write almost everything in paragraphs, be it an answer, essay, story, emails, etc. C. successfully petitioned for Thanksgiving to be a national holiday * I don't believe her life would have turned out this way if her father and my parents had been here to guide and support her. Those who believe that science fiction predicts the future are simply wrongheaded. Some examples of topic sentences for this age group include: When we had a snow day, I made snow angels, drank hot cocoa, and went sledding. AP Lit. Exam Prep EXCERPT 2 | English - Quizizz E. Although orphan characters share a marginal social status, they may not be equally complex. A promise. What kind of music is the worst? I don't believe it reflects our values as a country to separate children and parents in this way. The author has credible evidence of only two public speeches by Crazy Horse. It is Then choose the correct answer.). Skim through the first paragraph, and look for the gist. The sixth paragraph contributes to the reasoning of the author's argument primarily by, (D) emphasizing the sacrifices the author's parents made for her, In the third and fourth paragraphs, the author discusses a case in order to, (B) illustrate the limits of scientific claims, The opening sentence of the second paragraph primarily serves to, (D) make an assertion that is then supported with argumentation, In context, the fifth paragraph ("Its appeal is inscrutable.") serves as a transitional element that, (C) anticipates an objection to the quality of the sandwich, In the context of the passage as a whole, the first sentence of the third paragraph ("Yet can do") marks the transition between, (D) an explanation of a viewpoint and a rebuttal of that viewpoint, In the second sentence of the second paragraph, the repetition of the word "things" primarily serves to, (E) strengthen an assertion by broadening its implications, Unit 6: Claims and Evidence - Reading Quiz, Unit 5: Reasoning and Organization - Writing, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith. Prefiero las negras/las marrones. Coming back at long last to my promised series on abstracts, let's begin with the first clause of the Publication Manual description in section 2.04: "An abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article." Our focus in this post is the "brief" part of that instruction. She presents all these details in support of her overarching claim that Congress and the president must reform immigration policy for the benefit of the country overall. A declaration. In the passage, the author presents a narrative of her parents' deportation in order to The writer wants to add a sentence after sentence 7 to expand on the narrative in the second paragraph and provide additional context for the third paragraph. There are also sentence requirements. C. "[Napping] seems to be a natural inclination." The other sentences in the . The author's choice to repeat the phrase emphasizes that these are national values she and her audience share and that her family's experiences run counter to them. indifference and contempt. Which observation best counters the speaker's argument about action in the passage? A 5th grade paragraph must have at least 5 sentences (topic sentence, body/support . Skim through the first paragraph, and look for the gist. (paragraph 5, sentence 2). Transitions Within Paragraphs - Walden University American employers do not see the afternoon forty winks as refreshing the creative wellsprings of mere employees. PDF SAT Practice Test #6 Answer Explanations - College Board These self-ratings were then compared to the assessments of researchers who listened to the subjects' audio recordings. Match the following items. Answer: B - unity, order, coherence and completeness. D. establish a cultural comparison for her argument about napping Which of the following factors is most important for the writer to consider when deciding whether to keep or delete the phrase? Record for at least 30 seconds and choose a minimum of 3 structures below to create your own sentences. After you choose an appropriate transition phrase, write the first sentence of your paragraph. Appropriate Level of Citation - American Psychological Association Which version of the underlined portion of sentence 1 best accomplishes this goal? And, though I was surrounded by people who cared about me, part of me ached with every accomplishment, because my parents weren't there to share my joy. E. respect for the rule of law: these lines show that the author's parents made a genuine effort to legally navigate a burdensome immigration process C. It anticipates an objection about the legality of her parents' deportation. Here, this sentence refers back to the first paragraph's summary of online education"what we know"and introduces the idea that there are things we don't know about online educationthe focus of the second paragraph. You can have fantastic ideas, but if those ideas aren't presented . These are labelled as P, Q, R and S. Find out the proper order for the four sentences. 2) The comparison in the second . Keep it, because it offers a contrasting position that helps rebut the counterargument presented in the third paragraph. Professionals refer to the first sentence of a paragraph as a topic sentence. They lost their money to people they believed to be attorneys, but who ultimately never helped. The writer wants to add a new sentence at the end of the third paragraph (sentences 8-12) to show how the information in the paragraph serves as evidence for the passage's primary claim. Congress needs to provide a permanent, fair legislative solution, but in the meantime families are being destroyed every day, and the president should do everything in his power to provide the broadest relief possible now. Support the claim that her parents' absence affected . C. suggest that her audience's values might differ from those of her parents A tease. The impact of government policies on undocumented immigrant families The opening sentence of the second paragraph primarily serves to. Which observation best counters the speaker's argument about action in the passage? Stories by his contemporaries offer a credible record of Crazy Horse's life. the works of H. G. Wells, for instance, depicted voyages to the Moon and to the bottom of the ocean long before these achievements were realized. How To Write Narrative Essay A Step by Step Guide - EssayWriterUSA Should the writer make this addition after sentence 13 ? D. An unfulfilled pledge by a political leader Solved Question for You on Paragraph Writing. The measurements are not exact, and there is a strong benefit in that people who track their sleep are apt to be more mindful of sleep in general. C. both Documents BBB and CCC Follow the model. Paragraph Writing: Building Blocks of Everything We Read, Tips - Toppr Eppie was a creature of endless claims and ever-growing desires, seeking and loving sunshine, and living sounds, and living movements; making trial of everything, with trust in new joy, and stirring the human kindness in all eyes that looked on her." (2) The statue's placard attributes the poem to John Roulstone, who, according to popular lore, wrote it circa 1816 after witnessing a girl named Mary Sawyer bring her lamb to school. Document B\mathrm{B}B First paragraph. Crazy Horse's combination of recklessness and calculating calm. Given below is a passage that consists of six sentences. The first and Which of the following changes to the underlined portion of sentence 16 (reproduced below) most effectively expresses the relationship between ideas in the sentence? Action without discretion can incur disastrous results. It can be in the form of an invitation. The primary purpose of sentences 4 and 5 of the second paragraph ("Among . Complete the following survey about your preferences in clothes and colors. She briefly went to teach English in Portugal, where she contracted a brief marriage, returning penniless with her child to study in Edinburgh. Ellos son muyartculo definido + sustantivo + ms/menos + adjetivo + de = the most/least _____Ejemplo: En mi opinin, el tipo de msica menos emocionante de todos es La ms emocionante esSe le calificar en (a) entrega/comprensin de mensajes, (b) control de las estructuras gramaticales objetivo, (c) pronunciacin, (d) control del vocabulario objetivo y (e) finalizacin de tareas segn la Rbrica de habla de idiomas del mundo. When a work has 2 authors, cite both names every time the reference occurs.When a work has 3-5 authors, cite all the names the first time the reference occurs; in subsequent citations, use the surname of the first author followed by et al.When a work has 6+ authors, use the surname of the first author followed by et al. This suggests that the author will argue that Americans' attitudes towards naps are irrational rather than based on sound reasoning; she does this both by pointing out the benefits of naps and by playfully discussing the qualities of napping that make Americans uneasy with the practice. Uploaded consciousness also facilitates interstellar travel in the novel. Which version of sentence 9 best accomplishes this goal? A. support the claim that her parents' absence affected her during her adolescence Is rap Sentence Definition and Examples in English Grammar - ThoughtCo Black= Question Blue= Answer Orange= Justification Red= Right answer with justification Pharmacy 1) The first three sentences of paragraph 2 ("The pharmacy . Keep it, because it offers a contrasting position that helps rebut the counterargument presented in the third paragraph. Our 5th graders must write at least 40 words in each paragraph (as always, they can always write more). . . ". No, because it offers information that may be helpful to the audience in understanding a potentially unfamiliar term. Find 134 ways to say PARAGRAPH, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Third Thus, the author uses her family as an example when expressing the claim that navigating the immigration process legally can be particularly burdensome for undocumented families in order to appeal to her audience's respect for the law. B. show how her experiences were typical of teens in the United States The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, As represented by the rhetoircal triangle, the appeal most commonly associated with the speaker is, As represented by the rhetorical triangle, the appeal most commonly associated with the audience is, As represented by the rhetorical triangle, the appeal most commonly associated with the message is, A brief story used to help make a point is, An indirect reference to something (Usually a literary text, although it can be other things such as plays, songs, historical events, ect.) ms/menos + adverb + que = more/less _____ thanExample: I listen to K-pop music more frequently than Reggaeton music. B. The purposes of the paragraph are to give information . , Skim through the first paragraph, and look for the gist. Verbal Ability - Ordering of Sentences - IndiaBIX Read the first paragraph for understanding. A topic sentence is an introductory line that addresses what the main idea or thesis of the paragraph will be. Read the passage. These parts are the topic sentence, development and support, and conclusion. In the first paragraph the reader is introduced to Nawab, a father of twelve daughters who feels compelled to make more money to care for his family: "he must proliferate his sources of revenue" (lines 6-7). Traditionally, the voting age in most states was 21, though in the 1950s Pres. When the author refers to her "rocky existence," she suggests that although she had good friends, she faced a number of challenges. The first sentence of the first paragraph notes that "Unlike the gold . ; Even though her parents were absent while growing up, she never gave . E. "[T]he process of falling asleep in the afternoon is quite different from bedtime sleep." In the ninth paragraph, the author relates the story of her niece ("When my .